Chapter Fifteen

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When Jungkook set his soulmate down in his bedroom, he looked at her. Really looked at her. She was a nightmare, she was stubborn, she was angry and she was hurting. She had been hurt. His stern demeanour broke her.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry Kookie. I don't know what to do about any of this, I'm so confused" she sobbed into his neck.

She gently kissed his shoulder, then his neck and continued up his jaw. Slowly working her way to his mouth, he reciprocated the salty kisses. Gently slipping his tongue into her mouth, slowly their mouths moved in sync.

She moved to straddle his lap, slowly grinding her core on the seam of his black jeans. His hands moving over her back, and pulling her dress sleeves down to reveal she wasn't wearing a bra. He cupped her perky breasts in his hands, his fingers squeezing her nipples.

One of his hands moved down to her bare core. "Did you forget how to get dressed today baby" he laughed.

She started to grind into his palm, and all he wanted to do was bring her pleasure. Bring her a moment of peace.

Jungkook quickly went to work, dipping his head and taking an erect nipple in his mouth, swirling his tongue around the tip. As his fingers swirled around her clit at the same pace. Dipping his fingers in and out of her soaked pussy, curling his fingers to hit her sweet spot. She bucked her hips faster and faster, her back arching, moaning into his black curly hair.

Emily breathlessly reached her high, it was as though every bit of tension she held within her was released, her orgasm rocked its way through her. As jungkook didn't stop his assault until her legs were involuntarily shaking and she could barely catch her breath.

As she came back to reality, she kissed him with passion, passion he wasn't expecting, she started to drop to her knees, but Jungkook stopped her
"not now baby, not now, this was about you"
He picked her up, placing her in bed, he crept to the bathroom cleaning himself up before getting into bed cuddling her, hoping that they had turned a corner.


The next morning Emily woke up, in an unfamiliar room, still cuddled into Jungkook. As the door slowly cracked open to reveal Jin's face
"Coffee? Would you like some?" He asked in a whisper almost tentatively

"Yes please Jin" Emily started to tear up at his beautiful face.

Jin put his arms out, and Emily launched herself off the bed and into them. Almost winding the eldest. Not realising she was only wearing a pair of panties.

"Are there more hugs going spare?" a deep voice broke the moment, Taehyung stood there barely awake, as Emily cuddled into his waiting arms. Soon, the entire group was piled on top of them, all hugging, Emily sobbing.

This was her family, this was her life, these boys were her happiness, and she was theirs.

"Little dragon, did you want coffee? And Erm maybe some clothes" Namjoon blushed as Emily ran into her bedroom and threw on one of Yoongi's T-shirt's he had left for her to wear.

"Little dragon?" Emily growled with narrowed eyes as she walked back into the kitchen.

"Yes. I've called you that since I first slept in your bed, it's a term of endearment" Namjoon explained.

"Your little and cute, but also can breathe fire in an instant, although Jungkook seems to be able to tame you" he continued getting flustered at his soulmates grumpy face.

Emily's face broke into a small smile "I suppose I am quite like a dragon, more cute though like Mushu from Mulan but not as scary as Yoongi who apparently spits fire with his tongue technology that can take me to Hong Kong" Emily finalised with a smirk.

"Good morning baby" Jungkook strolled to the fridge, only stopping to place a small kiss on Emily's head.

"What are we talking about?" Jungkook questions

"Your ability to tame the dragon" Namjoon sniggered

"Well, any time. hey Emily?" Jungkook smirked at the blushing redhead.

Make It Right- A BTS OT7 Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now