Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Eight

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Potty training three wilful toddlers was like brushing your teeth and eating biscuits at the same time. They each flung themselves between refusing to use the potty at all and having a competition over who could use it the most.

Emily had never cleaned up so much pee in her life, and if she found poo in another weird place she was going to scream. She was sure her nose was aching from all of the sniffing, trying to find the offending object.

Lucy and Daisy were by far the better of the three and were almost in knickers all the time. They had occasionally had a wet night or an accident but only once in a while, but they did wake up Emily or the boys more than once to go to the toilet in the night. Felix however was struggling and Emily was worried she had maybe tried too early. But Emily found him one day pushing a stool in front of the toilet and standing on it, and then happily weeing into the toilet.

"Good boy Felix"

"Look Mummy, I'm wee weeing in the toilet...oh" as he had turned to show Emily, he had also turned his entire body meaning Emily got sprayed with a healthy stream of warm wee.

"Well done baby, don't worry we can get this cleaned up. I'll make sure there's a stool in the bathrooms ok? Make sure you tell someone if you need to go in case you need some help"

"Do I get a sticker?"

"You most certainly do. Let me get cleaned up and then we can go and put it on the chart"


Emily cleaned up and the bathroom floor was fully disinfected. Emily found the stickers and called the girls down, each time they used the potty or the toilet they got a sticker. Emily didn't want to reward days being dry as she felt it then punished having an accident and that wasn't how she wanted them to feel about it.

"Ok, so Daisy how many times have you used the potty?"

"Three times and a poo"

"Ok, so three silver and one gold. Go pop them on"


"Three wees, two poos"

"Ok, so two gold and three silver"


"I wee weed in the toilet, like a big boy"

"The toilet?" Daisy screeched

"Yes, I'm a big boy I don't need the potty"


"So Felix you get the big sticker"


"Ok so how many stickers do you have each?"

"One, two, four.... one more to go"

"I'm finished"

"Six to go" Felix looked sad.

"Felix the big sticker counts as three so you only have four to go. So by tomorrow, you might have finished?"

"What do we get?"

"Well, what would you like?"

"A bike" Lucy nodded

"A bike?"

"Yes Mama, I want to ride bike with Appa Doonie"

"Ok then"


"A scooter, so I can do jumps with Appa Kooookie"

"Ok, as long as someone is with you"


"Can I has fish?"

"Like in a tank?"

"Yes, for my bedroom. Like a Nemo!"

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