Chapter Fifty Four

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The boys had been busy filming talk shows, Run episodes and performances for their new album releases.

Emily had been busy writing. Yoongi had placed her a beautiful carved writing desk and supportive chair infront of the window in the lounge downstairs as a surprise. It looked over Seoul, and he thought it would be a perfect place to write. Emily agreed and loved that he managed to surprise her all of the time. Sometimes with a chocolate bar in her handbag or a little note left stuck to her coffee cup, when one of her toiletries were running low, a full one appeared. He was a sneaky lover sometimes. He always noticed the little things, and she couldn't appreciate him more.

Emily had completed the book for Mr Son's niece, and had several more orders from people at Big Hit for their own children, Grandchildren or nieces and nephews, just through word of mouth. Emily had decided on a price for each book, and had drawn up a price list. She felt guilty about charging for her work, she worried she wasn't talented enough, but Mr Son and the boys convinced her that her work was more than worth the cost, and her waiting list for books was testament that people were happy to pay.

Yoongi couldn't remember the last time he had spent quality time with Emily. Despite them being unable to travel for promotion yet, they still had plenty to keep them incredibly busy. He had been in his studio a lot, he kissed her and he knew the others felt the same.

The boys had all voiced their concerns, most of them hadn't seen her at all, and the ones that had, had crawled into bed with her once she was asleep, and left before she was awake.

Emily made sure to leave them little notes, do their laundry, leave snacks in the fridge and message them throughout the day. Whilst she missed them, she enjoyed having some time to herself, forcing herself to be independent. She made lunch and shopping dates with Jisoo, she walked along the River with Choi and Han, she kept to her therapy appointments and took care of herself. She called Mattie regularly, who only had a few months left until squishy would make their appearance.

Emily had already written several books to send to Mattie for Squishy, she had also sent her a voucher for a meal prep service for six months for once cooking became too much. She could have breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks delivered twice weekly, all prepared. She thought that would be a better gift, than a babygrow.

Emily wished one of them lived closer, a twelve hour flight wasn't ideal, especially with a newborn. Maybe Emily could find a way to visit soon? Maybe she could persuade the boys to use some of their time off to come too? It would be nice for them to all be in her Grandmothers home. To watch them all holding a baby, oh god, Emily didn't know if she would survive that.

Emily added it to her to do list with a question mark.

She knew that their promotion wouldn't last forever and they would soon be under her feet again, screeching around the dorms, arguing over snacks. She couldn't wait. But she did feel a little lonely. Maybe she could arrange for a trip to the cabin once they had finished or they could go camping? Her mind was buzzing with ways to spend time with them.


Emily had an idea, an idea she had for a while, but she needed to persuade the boys.

She called Choi's number

"Annyeonghaseyo, Miss Emily?"

"Hey Choi, could you and Han come with me somewhere, but not tell the boys for me"

"It legal, nothing funny?"

"Oh god no Choi, it's perfectly safe. I just want to surprise them"

"Give an hour, we be outside dorm ok?"

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