Chapter Forty Six

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Emily sat at the vanity in nothing but her panties, her legs crossed one over the other, she blow dried and loosely curled her hair, putting on a small amount of make up, and walking over to the clothes rail, she slipped on a matching panty set instead of the panties she was wearing.

She decided to wear smart casual for the lunch, a black long sleeved shirt with a cream bow and matching cuffs, a cream mid length skirt and black pointed flats.

Paired with some gold jewellery, Emily sprayed on her perfume, and looked in the full length mirror.

As Jin sat on the bed, he wolf whistled at her. He loved watching her get ready. Her long red waves cascading down her back , the way her glossy lips called him.

"We better get going or you look like you might eat me!" Emily laughed raising an eyebrow at a grinning Jin.

"Oh I will, later!" As he patted her bottom, ushering her out of the door.


Emily stood in the elevator hand in hand with Jin. He leaned down and kissed her cheek.

"Stop worrying, so much"

As the door opened and Emily walked through the lobby and into the hotel restaurant which had been closed for them. She saw everyone already there. Jin cleared his throat, loud enough for everyone to turn and look. Silence fell as everyone's eyes landed on Emily.

"Err Hi err annyeonghaseyo" she shyly waved before bowing deeply.

"Emiiiiily!" A body lurched forward dragging her forward into a hug. Jisoo. Thankful she knew at least someone here, Emily squeezed her back.

One by one her soulmates greeted her, introducing her to each of their parents, Each one greeting her warmly with hugs and kisses. Emily felt warm and happy. Almost like she was apart of an enormous family.


??? POV

As I watched her walk around the room, speaking Korean, hugging and kissing who I presume are their parents and family, I felt a stab of jealousy. She looked so happy, so carefree, I wish I could feel like that.

I was glad they drove down here, otherwise it would have been more difficult to follow them. Their bodyguards haven't noticed me yet. Hopefully they won't.

I'm spending Christmas alone in a hotel room, but at least I'm near to her. I tried so many times to get in touch, but she never responded, I can only assume my messages didn't reach her. She told me this was the only way.


Emily was glad the food was set out in a buffet style, so she could walk around more and so she didn't have to eat. Her stomach was still in knots from the nerves but after a few glasses of champagne, she felt much more relaxed.

Jin introduced her to his brother and told her all about their restaurant. Emily knew Jin loved food, and about his restaurant, she had watched some of his 'Eat Jin' lives. But to hear him talk so passionately, Made Emily love him even more.

Namjoon's sister introduced herself, in her words "If she left it to her brother, the day would be over". She was so similar to Namjoon, more outgoing, shorter than him but still a good bit taller than Emily.

Jimin brought his brother JiHyun over to Emily, they had previously met on a video call. Exchanging tight hugs, and chatting about all the things Jimin should show Emily whilst she was visiting. She loved how close they were, she always wished she had a sibling to annoy.

JeonGyu and Eunjun were beating Jungkook and Taehyung at a game of pool in the restaurants games area. Taehyung always became a mother hen when it came to his younger brother and sister. Emily had met them on a video call, and Taehyung insisted they practice their English and use their manners.

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