Chapter Forty One

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The next morning Emily could barely move. Every single muscle ached. She ached in places she didn't even know she could ache.

As she tried to get out of bed to go for her morning pee, she stumbled , falling face first onto the plush white carpet.

"You need some help there baby?" Came Yoongi's raspy morning voice.

Emily just nodded as he picked her up like she was a feather, carrying her into her bathroom and setting her down on the toilet seat.

He didn't leave, he brushed his teeth, passing Emily her own toothbrush with toothpaste on it.

Emily finished peeing and brushing, leaning to wipe herself, she looked at the tissue, blood.


"Emily? What's the matter? Oh ohhhhh" Yoongi stared wide eyed at her.

"You two fucked me so hard my period started" she laughed.

After asking Yoongi to pass her, her 'period panties' and grabbing a pad- there was no way she was putting a tampon in today! Emily checked the sheets, which were thankfully stain free and got back into bed snuggling into Hobi.


"GUYS! Practice starts in an hour! Are you two up?" Jin's panicked voice came through the door.

"For fucksake! Can I get any peace around here!" Emily shouted back, as the two boys surrounding her chuckled and shouted something back in Korean that Emily didn't understand.

The door opened to reveal a stoneyfaced Jin
"Babygirl last night clearly taught you nothing" as he rolled his eyes.

"Baby boy, I'm bleeding from my vagina so I can say what the fuck I want right now and for the next week!" Emily retorted as she stuck out her tongue.

"Well, I suppose you don't want this McDonald's breakfast I ordered for you then?" Jin started walking away.

"Gimme gimme gimme" Emily made grabby hands as Jin turned and walked toward her with the bag outstretched.

"I require payment princess" tapping his cheek, Emily lunged forward grabbing his face and kissing his lips. Reaching for the bag and the accompanying coffee.

As she ate, she moaned and wiggled around happily. The boys got up, dressed and showered and as they were ready to leave, Emily got up to say goodbye running to the front door, each kissing her on the way out.

Namjoon was the last to leave
"Baby can we spend some time together later? Just to see you?"

"Of course! I'd love to!" Emily smiled but inside the last words he said struck a cord. Just to see her. She worried about how much time she was spending with everyone was it equal? She needed a plan to manage her time better.

Sometimes she worried they weren't getting enough sex with seven men and one woman, but maybe they needed more than that. She made a little plan in her head, hopefully it would help her to spread herself around more evenly.

But first she had a Skype session with Sora, things had been going incredibly well. She wasn't hiding anything from the boys, she took her meds daily, and she was in a good routine making sure she ate, and exercised.

Next week was her joint session with Jungkook and she was nervous for what he thought and how he felt, he didn't really talk to her very much about his feelings, Emily wanted to know how he really felt.


After each session with Sora, Emily always felt drained, mentally and physically. She decided to spend an hour doing chores around the dorms and then get back into bed for a nap.

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