Chapter Thirty Four

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Emily had returned from England a few weeks ago and there was something not quite right. The boys weren't sure what it was, but there was something.

They weren't expecting Emily to just be fine, they knew she was incredibly sad and scared, but she didn't touch any of them. She asked to sleep alone and kept her bathroom door locked when she was in there.

She didn't want to come to any practices, any V-lives or any Run episode filming. The boys could be forgiven for forgetting she was even at home.

On the odd occasion, one of the boys would sit with her in a silent tension, Emily was usually on her iPad. She said she was busy. They didn't want to pry, but one day Emily put down the tablet on the coffee table and went into her room, she had allowed the boys to install their fingerprint I.D on her iPad so they could open it.

Yoongi snatched up the iPad, quickly unlocking it. What he saw stunned him, is this what was causing Emily to be so cold? As he scrolled through all the open tabs on the web pages. He clicked on her photos to see hundreds of screenshots. She had all of the apps they used to post, installed.

He turned the tablet screen off and set it down in its place. Walking to his room. Not wanting Emily to know he had snooped just yet. He pulled out his phone and typed a message onto the group chat.

Guys, family meeting, my room, don't tell Emily. Urgent.

As soon as the blue ticks appeared, footsteps stampeded into his room. All 6 men with worried looks.

"What's going on?" Namjoon asked

"It's Emily, I know why she's been acting the way she has. You might want to sit down" Yoongi sighed worriedly.

As he explained what he had seen, it was as though all of the dots connected. But just how bad had it affected Emily. They all knew how it affected them when they had done it for themselves.

Namjoon stood up and went to Emily's room, it was time they spoke to her, maybe even called Sora.


Emily ran, she ran through the streets, tears running down her cheeks, it was so cold, each tears journey felt like the slice of a knife. Not realising her feet were both cut and bleeding.

The rain was getting heavier as the icy wind whipped around her tiny frame, most people were bundled in hats and thick coats, but Emily was in a T-shirt. Yoongi's T-shirt, and a pair of panties.

She didn't notice the stares and people pointing at her as she ran past them. She didn't notice anything, she didn't even know where she was running to. She just had to get away. Get away from them. She thought being back with her soulmates would help her. But it was all getting worse.

When she stopped running and sat down on a bench, she realised they had followed her, telling her the same things they had been over and over again. How had they found her so quickly? all she wanted was silence, to not hear a single voice.


Namjoon knocked, but no answer, he turned the door handle and opened the door but there was no Emily. He shouted her name, no answer.

"Guys, Emily's not here. Her shoes are still by the door. I think we need to call someone." Namjoon shouted down the hall as he dialled Choi, then Seijin, and then Sora, no one had seen or heard from her. They had all already tried calling her, but no answer, she had turned off her phone tracking.

He video called Mattie, who hadn't heard from
Emily since she left England. As Namjoon explained, Mattie's face grew grey. She was worried about her best friends mental state.

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