Chapter One Hundred and One

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"Ok, I fucking hate it when therapy is thrown around like an insult. Oh go to therapy, oh shouldn't you see a therapist about that. It's a knobhead thing to do. I go to therapy or have my sessions every week without fail, if something is bothering me I bring it up with Grace, I'm not going to give you a blow by blow account of everything I talk about with her" Emily sat on the single armchair alone infront of the boys who were squashed on the sofas, holding the paddle that had been deemed that the holder of it could speak.

Jimin raised his hand, and Emily passed the paddle to him.

" I shouldn't have thrown it out like that, my meaning was that I worry about how much pain you enjoy, I worry one of us could unintentionally hurt you if it went too far" Emily put her hand out, Jimin slid the paddle into it.

"Before I met you guys, I had done a few things here and there. But I hadn't had sex, no one had made me feel the things you all do. Most people my age have slept with multiple people, experimented, tried new things and that is what I am doing, with you. If one of you goes too far we have safe words, the restraints have safety catches, I'm not a delicate flower. " Jin stretched his arm out for the paddle.

"Emily we overreacted and I'm sorry for that. Hearing you explain, I understand more, I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions. I'm sorry" he smiled as Emily nodded her head.

"I haven't got the paddle but I want to say something" Yoongi cleared his throat.

"We were just worried and reacted badly. I for one would like to explore bdsm a little more with you, push your limits. Help you explore safely"

"As would I" Hoseok smiled

"Me too" Jungkook grinned.

"Ok, so in conclusion, you two overreacted and were mean to Joonie. You need to trust the others to take care of me, I will take responsibility for myself, ok?"

"Can you still do that if you're pregnant?" Jimin asked in almost a whisper.

"To a degree, but not too much I don't think. Is that what you're worrying about?"

"A little I guess, I just hate seeing you hurt"

"Jimin come here" Emily looked at him, as he walked over and stood up

"We'll talk about this later, but I think you need a cuddle?" Emily slid her arms around his waist, laying her head on his chest and listening to his fast heartbeat.

Emily heard shuffling and then felt bodies pressed against them, arms encircling them.

"I hate it when we argue" Jimin kissed the top of her head.

"Well if you weren't such a worried volcano..." Emily smiled.

"A what?"

"You worry, then you explode. You always do it, pitch a bitch fit when you're worried or scared"

"I do not!"

"Yeah hyung you kinda do" Taehyung smiled widely.


Emily and the boys had all eaten dinner, it was a little quieter than normal, she was in her head. Thinking about everything. Picking at her food, and moving it around the plate.

"Emily?" Namjoon dipped his head to look at her.

"Hmm?" She almost jumped out of her thoughts.

"I think I'm going to go chill with the others but Jimin and Jin would like to stay, is that ok?"

Emily nodded slowly.

"I'll come back and sleep with you later?"

"Ok Joon, I love you" Emily smiled, kissing his cheek as the others all kissed her cheek and left the awkward tension behind.

Make It Right- A BTS OT7 Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now