Chapter Sixty Two

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The week was exhausting but the most fun Emily had, maybe even in her entire life, they had been to almost every museum, art gallery, and tourist attraction in Manchester. Her little legs ached. Everything they had done was fun, every day they laughed until their stomachs ached. They had even managed to fit in a film, complete with a popcorn fight. Emily hadn't ever laughed as much she had this week.

They had eaten some of the nicest foods in Emily's opinion, the boys had all tried Greggs sausage rolls, British McDonald's, Full English breakfasts at a greasy spoon and she had arranged for them to have afternoon tea at a posh hotel in a private room. The boys concluded that bread and carbs were quite the staple. Emily always loved finding bread in Korea and always bought bread mix online so she had plenty. The boys had no idea how she managed to stay so tiny.

Emily felt free, and so did the boys. She was so happy to show them everywhere, the smile hadn't left her face and with everyone wearing masks they didn't stand out. Nobody had recognised them that they knew of except maybe a few staff members, but none of them had been approached.

Emily had taken Charlotte with her wherever she could, luckily a lot of attractions were dog friendly. Emily made sure she had plenty of poo bags and her collapsible water bowl and Namjoon had bought more treats than
Charlotte could manage in weeks.

Charlotte was great with people no matter what language they spoke to her and greeted everyone she met with a wagging tail. Emily had always spoken to her English and the boys in Korean. Charlotte understood all of the basic commands in both languages. Something Emily had initially forgotten about. Her previous owner was Korean, she would have learned Korean commands. But she had either picked up English ones quickly or understood the tone, rather than the words? But the boys were grateful to her. Charlotte had changed Emily's outlook.

Their weekends were spent in Emily's Grandmothers house. Being out and about was too much of a risk when it was busier. They caught up on laundry or work, Emily had also introduced them all to Monopoly, the board hadn't left the coffee table, and only Jungkook, Emily and Jin were left playing.

Sundays were reserved for a Sunday roast dinner, this week the boys had requested beef. Like the first meal, she had made them. She invited Mattie, Archie and Iris too. Twelve people, a baby and a dog, Emily's Grandmother would have been in her element. Charlotte always got some beef and vegetables made for her, with some salt-free doggy gravy Namjoon had found online.

Emily had to go and buy some groceries, realising it was still early in the morning, she knew the twenty-four-hour supermarket was open nearby and she wanted to be prepared for the weekend. Choi and Han were ready, grabbing the car keys, Emily screeched up the stairs

"Boys, I'm going grocery shopping, if you want to come too, get ready if you want anything message me"

Jin, and the three youngest stampeded down the stairs.

"Can we come? Hats and masks?"

Namjoon and Hoseok appeared from the kitchen

"Can we come too?"



"Everyone's coming, you want to?"

"No, I'll look after Charlotte and take a nap in peace"

"Ok. I love you"

"I love you, can I sleep in your bed?"

"Of course! But take Charlotte so she doesn't eat anything stupid and flick the dog door off to the house and don't fart in it"

Emily and the boys loaded into the separate cars with Han and Choi. The boys had forgotten that Emily could drive, she hadn't got her international pass for Korea as she didn't feel confident enough with her Korean language to read all of the signs. Seeing her drive was a turn on, the way she hummed to the radio, checked the mirrors. The boys she had with her were in awe of something so simple.

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