Chapter Twenty Four

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Today was Emily's first appointment with her therapist, and to say she was dreading it was an understatement. At 8.30 Namjoon had knocked on her door, she said she was getting up. At 8.45 Jin had knocked on her door and opened it, she said she was getting up. At 9am she was manhandled out of bed, and unceremoniously put on her toilet seat and told to be ready in fifteen minutes, she glared up at Jimin, who wasn't usually this stern with her but he knew this was an important appointment.

"Babygirl after me, it's Hobi, and then Kook" so you can take your pick, you can get dressed and eat breakfast with or without a sore ass!" He chuckled leaving the room.

Emily slowly did her morning routine, putting a beanie over her messy hair, and chucking a hoodie and some leggings on.

"Well, there she is! I've made pancakes for you, and after your appointment, I thought maybe you might want to go and get some ice cream with us?" Jin smiled making an effort.

"Mmm, yeah." Emily nodded, still looking downcast, as she got up to get her purse and shoes, the boys all glanced at each other worried about her.

"She'll be ok, maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but she will be" Yoongi mused.


As Emily walked into the private counselling office, it was homely, clinically so, but at least it wasn't white.

Her name was called by an older looking gentleman with a beard. Emily internally sighed, great, I don't want to talk to an old man who won't have a clue, she thought as she followed the man down the corridor and stepped into a sparsely decorated room.

Two chairs, and a coffee table. That was it.

He pointed to one of the chairs and smiled, his smile was warm and reached his eyes.

"So Emily, you're here to talk about a few things I think? My name is Sora, you'll be meeting with me twice a week, and hopefully, with talking therapy we can manage to address any issues and put together an action plan to deal with them. Why don't I tell you a little about myself first?" Emily nodded lightly, feeling slightly overwhelmed.

"Ok, so I was born in Japan, but moved to Korea 6 years ago when I met my 4 soulmates. It was hard at first, I had a new language and new people to contend with, but with time it worked out" Sora smiled thinking about his soulmates.

Emily was curious, he knew how it felt to have multiple soulmates and to change to a different culture.

"So why don't you tell me about you?" Sora smiled

"Well my name was Emily Potts and now it's Jeon...."

Emily explained about her parents, her soulmates, and why she was there.

"And I stopped taking the pills, but now I don't know if I need them and the boys, the boys are are great, but I slept with two of them in twenty-four hours and I worry they'll judge me and I don't want them to think they pressurised me or think I'm a slut and..." Emily finished with tears rolling down her cheeks. It was as though every worry, every fear just rolled out of her. How did this man do this? She'd met him 45 minutes ago.

"Emily you know you need to continue to take your medication for your condition. You can't just stop taking it. But to put it into perspective you are generally anxious about what other people think of you? But what about what you think? Do you judge people who sleep with their partner more than once a day? Was it a pleasurable experience for you?"

"I know I will start to take them again, and No, no of course not. That's up to them. But yes, it was... amazing I just want to keep doing it!" Emily realised where this was going.

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