Chapter One Hundred and Three

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Emily stood in the police station, her hands wouldn't stop shaking, no matter how many times she shook them, Jungkook and Yoongi were by her side with Choi and Han casting occasional glances at the three sat on uncomfortable plastic chairs.

"Jeon, Emily Jeon?" A man in a suit appeared at the doorway.

"Hello, my name is Detective Inspector Khan Mrs Jeon would you like to come this way please?"

"Are they ok to accompany me? These are two of my husbands and their security"

"Of course, although there is only space for one extra inside the room" he smiled as Emily nodded at Jungkook. They had already discussed that he was still ok to go with her and to ask any questions she might not.

The others were surprised she had chosen Jungkook she usually gravitated to one of the older boys when she needed comfort and guidance, but they weren't complaining, they were just glad she asked for one of them.

"Ok so firstly Mrs Jeon, I would like you to identify the bodies formally, all I need is a yes or no answer, the technician will pull back the sheet covering their faces, and then return it again, you're welcome to have some time with them after we have finished our meeting. Is that ok?"


"You understand"


The man nodded his head at the technician who pulled back one of the sheets to reveal her adoptive Mother, Mary. She looked so pale, almost as though she was asleep, her face was relaxed, it didn't hold the tension it had when Emily last saw her.

"Is that Mary Potts?"


Jungkook held Emily's hand. His thumb rubbing circles across the back of it.

"Is that Geoffrey Potts?"


He looked so tiny, his face almost grey, with an almost sad look etched across his face. Emily felt her stomach lurge as she vomited into a nearby bin.

"I'm so sorry" Emily looked at the Detective holding out a tissue.

"Don't worry, you're not the first and you won't be the last. Would you like a drink? The sugar might do you good?" He smiled holding out a box of tissues.

"Yes please can I have tea?"


"Not for me, thank you" Jungkook bowed.


"I'm sorry were meeting in such sad circumstances Mrs Jeon. Shall we press ahead, I'll give you my card now, if you have any questions or anything that might help please don't hesitate to call me or drop me an email" DI Khan smiled.

"Thank you" Emily slid the card across the desk, handing it to Jungkook for safe keeping.

"Mrs Jeon, we have so far established that Geoffrey Potts murdered Mary Potts, and then proceeded to take his own life. We understand that not only were they being investigated for fraud and money laundering, they were also in the process of being certified bankrupt, on top of your own legal proceedings"


"They obtained various loans under aliases of past employees, their business had been in trouble for quite some time and they were using the business to filter any money they did get so they didn't need to pay any taxes"

"Oh, erm right" Emily sat quietly.

"May I ask? how did her parents die" Jungkook frowned.

"Mary Potts was stabbed several times in the chest, and Geoffrey Potts then stabbed himself in the chest"

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