Chapter One Hundred and Eight

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"I'm getting sterilised" Emily announced to the boys, she had called a family meeting.

"You're what?" Hoseok looked up wide-eyed.

"I've arranged to have my tubes cut"

"Is this about the periods?" Jungkook frowned.

"No, it'll be easier during the IVF process to not have my own eggs descending and possibly changing the process, but also I don't want any accidents. I'll still have periods, my body will still release an egg, it will just be absorbed"

"Do you need general anaesthesia?"

"No, just a local, and I'll be home the same day. It takes about a week to recover to 100%, as he is doing a mini-laparotomy which means a tiny incision where my tummy meets where my public hair would start, that little fold"

"And you're sure you want this?" Yoongi raised his eyebrows.

"I've never been more sure in my life. I've discussed it with Grace, I don't want anything to interfere with our IVF journey and I don't want to ever have an accident if we forget contraception" Emily eyed Jimin who nodded slowly.

"You're just telling us this now? Did you not think to discuss it with us first?" Hoseok spoke coldly, obviously frustrated.

"I thought it best to get all the facts and for you to know that I'm in my right mind about this"

"It won't affect your ability to carry a baby?"

"No, not at all"

"I don't know about anyone else, but I think you should have discussed it with us first. I want to go with you to the doctor and then I want to have a group therapy session. This is an important step"

"I'm sorry I didn't talk to you first. I wanted to know that this was right for me, without any outside intervention, and I feel the same which is why tomorrow morning we have a joint meeting with the doctor and Grace. I've asked for you all to have the morning off work"

"Anything else you've done behind our backs?" Hoseok angrily spat.

"Will you calm the fuck down, do you want me to have to worry about getting pregnant? Worry about a child with mental health issues or would you rather I had to go through an abortion? Hmm? Do you worry about what that would do to my mental health? I've thought about this properly. Anyone would think it wasn't my body" Emily growled.

"I'm sorry, it was just I thought you could talk to us"

"What am I doing now? Playing fucking Pictionary? You've all been busy, and I made sure I had all the facts. It's not like I've had the procedure behind your back, and it's not like I haven't made an appointment to discuss it properly with you all. I can always change my mind"

"But you've just sprung it on us!"

"What would you rather? I put it on some fucking takeout food? You just shoot your shot and tada that's it! I'm going to bed. Alone. I want some time to think. Prick!" Emily stood up, storming to her room and slamming the door.

"Am I being a prick?" Hoseok looked around shocked.

"She's got a point?" Jimin tentatively murmured.

"Is it what she's doing or that she didn't tell you that the problem?"

"That she didn't ask me or tell me"

"She doesn't need to ask you, but I think she could have mentioned it" Yoongi frowned.

"We can talk about it tomorrow, she just needs some time to calm down" Jin sighed rubbing his eyebrow and walking away.

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