Chapter Sixty One

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Emily walked into the lounge slowly, her hair still damp from the earlier shower and her eyes still half closed from a nap.

As she tentatively sat down on one of the sofas she winced, making the boys snigger, Hoseok strolled in, beaming behind her.

"Fucking sunflower" she muttered.

Just as she sat down the doorbell rang.

"Can somebody get that, I don't think I'm able to stand up and sit down again without severe pain rippling through my skin" Emily glared at Hoseok.

"Sure babygirl. It'll either be food or Mattie right?" Namjoon stood trying to contain his laughter.

Emily heard Mattie's voice fill the hallway and as she entered the room carrying Iris followed by Archie loaded with a bag full of what Emily presumed were Iris' things. She was like a shining light, as she walked in, Passing Iris to a waiting Taehyung she lunged to scoop Emily up in a hug.

"Careful, I got a lesson in trust during my afternoon exercises as you described them" Emily rolled her eyes as she whispered.

"Oh god, so you talked to them then?" Emily nodded

"Who from?"



Emily nodded as she turned to realise everyone was looking at them both. Her face reddening,she glanced at Taehyung who was bouncing up and down lightly holding a very awake baby.

"She's had her bath, and she's in her pyjamas, hopefully she will settle at some point. There's no point in trying too hard, she's not in that routine stage yet, she wakes when she feels like it"

*ding dong*

"Food!" Jungkook shouted running for the door followed by Jin, holding a mask for the younger to cover his face.

Emily gave Mattie a pointed look toward the back door while the boys were distracted.

"So you talked to them? How did it go" Mattie laughed looking down at Emily.

"Yeah, not by choice, Jimin found me crying and yeah... it's all ok. They want me to
talk to the soulbond advisor at the company for any of my 'concerns'. Babies are a good to go once we get back to Korea and do some research, we're going to have therapy to help with my trust and my insecurities and I'm going to stop being such a fucking tit and pull my head out of my ass"

"Oh god they're not mad at me are they? I shouldn't have said anything"

"No, not at all. I think they were all just mad at me for keeping it to myself and then just blurting it all out. Hoseok was mad at me for not telling him what I wanted, or how I felt, they're both really important things to him"

"Hence the tender ass?"

"Oh god it's not just my ass, he went to town, I swear I'm going to look like a blackcurrant tie dye tomorrow!"

"I can't believe you enjoy all that pain!"

"Believe me. It's not just pain, he's so good, soooo good!" Emily practically drooled the last word.

"I think she might be hungry, she keeps trying to suckle on my fingers" Taehyung looked confused, between Iris and Mattie.

"Oh yeah, if she smells other people's food she gets like that, gets it from her Mama, Chuck her here" Mattie laughed grabbing Iris like a rugby ball, unclipping her bra under her shirt and sitting down on one of the comfy outdoor sofas.

Taehyungs face was almost the colour of the beautiful red sky, like a reflection.

"We'll be in, in a moment" Emily laughed at his reaction.

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