Chapter Fifty Two

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"He's... my brother? He can't be... But I don't even have a brother?" Emily replied quietly.

"Your birth parents, Claire and David Tilbrook, had a son. His name is Joseph Hagan. He tried to contact you via the company many times after he saw you and your name on social media but after he received no reply, he flew to South Korea, and found out where our dorms were, and followed you. He had been staying in an Air B&B nearby. He is non-verbal, so he couldn't just speak to you or any of the security"

"But, I didn't know. I didn't know who he was. He scared me, he followed me, why?"
Emily looked down, tears pooling in her eyes.

"We know, we didn't until security did some background research, and the police questioned him"

"But why, why would he stalk me?"

"He has a learning difficulty. He didn't realise what he was doing was against the law. As I said He is non-verbal, so he couldn't communicate very well. We think someone else helped him with bookings but we don't know who" Yoongi calmly explained.

"He must have been so scared here on his own, not able to understand or talk and then taken by the police. Is he ok now, where is he?"

"His adoptive parents, Carol and Oliver, came to collect him and took him back to England. They had been so worried about him, he just left them a note saying he was coming to find you. They had reported him missing to the police. They send their apologies to you, and will try and help him understand"

"Oh, fucking hell! What the fuck is my life. I'm waiting for a camera crew to come barrelling out laughing that they've pranked me. Last year I was working in a shop, selling snooty people clothes, with some slightly nutty parents and a crappy flat, and now this" she waved her hands around.

"They left details for if you wish to contact them, or him, but understand if you don't. We have them back at the dorms."

Emily was sat sobbing in her chair, her arms pressed against her thighs, her head hanging over her hands. Tears dropping onto the floor.

Grace stood in the corner of the room, stunned, this was not how she expected this session to go, they had run well over the hour she had allowed, but with no more clients until the afternoon, Grace knew that they needed the time more than she did.

"Emily. We know it's been a rough few months. We know that this is yet another bombshell, and we should have told you, but we just wanted you to focus on being well"

"We want our Queen back, our fiery dragon. We've made mistakes and we can only apologise. But we want to move forward with you, Both physically and mentally. If you will forgive us, we want to make you as happy as you make us?" Jin's speech made Emily cry harder as she nodded looking at the floor.

"Can we hug you?" Jungkook asked tentatively.

Nodding, Emily opened her arms, still sitting down crying as the boys all rushed her. Holding her as close as they could.


Since her therapy session with the boys, Emily felt like their relationship was back on track. Though not perfect, they were on the right path.

Emily had written a letter to her Brothers' adoptive parents. Both thanking them for bringing him up and explaining her feelings. She asked for some more information on Joseph, and she made an email address especially for them and him to be able to contact her directly. Whilst she wasn't sure in what capacity she wanted him in her life. She knew that she did.

Now she was organising all of the things she had let get away from her. She had sorted her clothes out into different sizes and hung them all up, rather than them still being in bags or just on the floor. She had organised all of her paperwork, and gone through some of her credit card statements. She still had her bank statements to look through, but she felt stronger in her mind.

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