Chapter One Hundred and Twenty

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"Jinnie can we talk?"

"Yeah, do you want to sit outside?"


"Why do you look so serious?"

"I know your Military service is coming up, and I want you to be able to talk about it with me. You're going to be away for well over a year, and I want to know the things you want your children to know, how you want me to communicate with you if you do at all. If you're ok with me being pregnant while you're away.
Lots of things"

"Ems, I want to get Christmas out of the way and then we will talk, make proper plans and look at the future, but for now I want to stay in our little bubble"

"I know you want to that, but I don't, I can't. I need to know, to plan, to think"

"Why do you have to be so selfish? Can you not just do as I ask this once?" He gritted out

"Jin, don't speak to me like that. I was going to suggest we meet in the middle and I'll write down everything I want to know and you can reply when you're ready. But you think I'm selfish? I wish I hadn't bothered talking to you" Emily walked into the kitchen slamming the door.

"Do you have to slam?" Jin shouted walking into the kitchen.

"Since I'm so selfish, yes"

"Why are you being so childish?"

"Childish, selfish, anything else?"

"For god sake Emily why do you always have to overreact?"

"Because I'm selfish?"

"There's no talking to you when you're like this, maybe once you apologise we can..."


"Why do you always have to shout, can we not just discuss it reasonably?"

"We could have until you began calling me names, but now you can get fucked"

"Urgh! I'm going out" he groaned grabbing his keys and slamming the door.

"Now who's slamming you fucking knobhead! Go fuck yourself"

"Who's a knobhead?" Namjoon peered over the bannister.

"Jin, I tried to talk to him about his military enlistment and he just cut me off, called me selfish, childish and said I overreacted, when I blatantly fucking didn't. This time"

"Ah it's a sensitive subject"

"Well if he thinks he can just bottle it all up until the last moment, he's got another thing coming. I only wanted him to tell me how he wanted us to communicate and if he did, about babies and our future. I was asking him what he wanted, and he just cut me off and said he wanted to leave it until after Christmas. Just as I was going to suggest I write shit down and he could answer it when he's ready, bam, I'm fucking selfish"

"He doesn't mean it, you know he doesn't mean it. He's just scared and sad and doesn't want to leave anyone"

"What's he going to do just pack his bag on the day and leave without saying shit to anyone?"

"I think he would like it that way"

"Well he's got fucking responsibilities"

"I didn't say he hadn't Ems, but you know he will shut it out for as long as he can"

"That doesn't help anyone here though does it"

"I know you're not Korean and you wouldn't.."

"If you finish that sentence I swear I will lose it. This isn't about being Korean or from fucking Mars this about me communicating what I need and being fucking insulted by both of you. I'm going to bed early, I'll be in the nursery, I'd rather not be disturbed. I'm not in the mood"

Make It Right- A BTS OT7 Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now