Chapter Thirty Nine

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Emily swung herself at the pole, both she and Jisoo had been practising for hours and the sweat was dripping off them, even though they were only in tiny shorts and sports bras.

"You're good! I feel like I've just gotten rid of every bit of frustration I had" laughed Emily

"You're amazing! I can't believe you're practically all self-taught. Water?" As Jisoo passed Emily the bottle, they both sat down on a sofa on the opposite side of the studio.

"So how come you come here? Are you part of a girl group or..?" Emily ventured

"Oh no, no! I'm a clothes designer, I know someone here and they pull a few strings that's all! How are you getting on with the boys?" Jisoo laughed

"Oh, I'm sure Hoseok said his sister was a designer and I think maybe a model. But yeah, we're getting on fine especially after my .. issues" Shyly tracing her finger on her water bottle.

"You know they're good guys. Everyone adores them. How are you doing after.. everything?"

"I'm ok. Taking each day as it comes, the guys have been so supportive. I have never felt quite so loved, you know? Do you have a soulmate?"

"I do! We're getting married soon, ahh you should come! The boys will all be there too. You can meet my parents too!" Jisoo excitedly bounced.

"Your parents? I'm sure it would be lovely, but I'll have to speak to the boys first, obviously" Emily didn't want to be rude, she'd only just met Jisoo and she wanted her to meet her parents and she'd invited the boys to her wedding. She didn't even know how well they knew her. Seeing her obvious discomfort Jisoo confessed

"Emily, I haven't been completely honest with you. I'm sorry, I asked Hoseokie not to tell you. I didn't want you to feel more nervous than you already did. I'm his sister. I'm Hobi's designer sister" she smiled the biggest smile, as Emily stared open-mouthed.

"Oh ohhh. Erm. It's nice to meet you" Emily said bowing her cheeks aflame.

"Come here, you're my new sister!" Jisoo squealed forgetting about Emily's ribs as she squeezed every breath out of her.

"So... Hoseok told you about me? And erm..everything?" Emily stuttered the realisation hit her that this was going to hopefully one day be her sister in law.

"He did, he's talked about you so much. He was so worried when you were in England and then when you came back. If he talked about you any more without me being able to meet you, I was going to break into the dorms! Our parents can't wait to meet you either" Jisoo laughed.

"Am I in trouble?" A smiling face peeped through the door.

"So much trouble. How could you not tell me! We will talk about it when we get home!" Emily deadpanned

"Can we talk about it in the playroom?" He smirked with a wink.

"No, we cannot. Shitbag" Emily couldn't help but giggle.

"Oh, the playroom! I've heard all about it! Make sure you make good use of it before you need a different kind of playroom" Jisoo winked as Emily's face flamed!

"Don't worry we're getting plenty of practice in!" Hoseok laughed.


"If you fart in my bed one more time, I'm leaving you both in here and stealing one of your less stinky beds!" Emily was getting irritated by Jungkook and Taehyung. She was surrounded by men, and with her period due, her patience was waning. Fast.

Sexy soulmates

They keep farting, make it stop 🤮

Soulmates- Yoongi
Baby girl, you do it in your sleep and you don't hear us complaining

I do not! You're lying!

Sexy soulmates- Hobi
Next, you'll be telling us you don't snore 😆

I don't! 😡 fucker!

Sexy soulmates- Hobi
One day baby girl I'm going to spank you for every curse word you say.

Sexy soulmates- Joonie
That would be a workout 😛

Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuckerrrrrr
Whatcha gonna do about it .... Daddy!

Sexy soulmates- Jinnie
Uhoh. Emily, you're in so much trouble! Hobi incoming

Emily's bedroom door opened as Hoseok stood in the doorway.

"Babygirl I think we need a little chat upstairs. Don't you?"

"Nope. I'm good here" Emily smirked.

"That wasn't a request"

As Hoseok walked towards Emily, she darted out from the bed and ran for her life. Hiding behind the sofa, darting in and out of rooms. Shouting swear words as she ran. She knew she was being a brat and if she was going to be punished, she might as well make it worth it. Just as she turned the corner to run down the hall, she bumped into a chest, Yoongi.

"Hobi, I have found a little brat, I think you were looking for her" he laughed, holding Emily firmly by the waist.

"Ah, thanks Hyung I have indeed been looking for her. Joining us?"

Emily squirmed, trying to pry Yoongi's fingers apart one by one.

"Ah ahh, babygirl. Yes, Hobi I think I will. Want me to bring her up?"

As they all headed upstairs, Emily couldn't wait for what was to come. Hopefully, it was her, she was feeling ridiculously horny.

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