Chapter One Hundred and Fourteen

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Emily was over halfway through her pregnancy and she felt better than she had throughout the whole thing so far. But she needed to pee morning, noon and night.

Her energy levels seemed to be never ending first thing on a morning and her skin looked the best it ever had. Emily had been in meetings for most of the morning. Mainly about her books and then she was looking at fabric swatches with the interior designer. She had been insistent that she didn't want a fancy show house with glass, and shiny things everywhere, she wanted a home. She didn't need to be in fashion, she needed it to work for them all.

The boys had requested their own studios, two dance studios, a meeting and security room, and a large gym. The idea was that the house would be split into three sections. Their work area, their home area and a guest area. With Emily having the entire basement as her dance and workout studio, work area, and also a playroom for her and the boys complete with a small kitchen for drinks and snacks and a bathroom.

Emily wanted security and staff to be able to come and go as they pleased in the work area, but keep their home area separated. Emily had specifically requested a large room with a full Alaskan King bed in it. For them all to cuddle and sleep in whenever they wanted to, everyone also had their own rooms, and there was a nursery with four connecting rooms and an adjoining bathroom and closet, the nursery would eventually be turned into another bedroom or a playroom for the babies.

The house was built relatively quickly, the interiors were taking a lot longer, which Emily didn't mind as it meant her and the boys got everything they wanted.

"So you said that you wanted this fabric for the sofa in the lounge, did you want the rest of the sofas to match or something different for each one?"

"I think all the same, but with the cushions we picked out last time and can you change the feet on them to something wooden and not metal? Oh and can you see if they do extra covers? Babies, dogs and husbands aren't the best mix"

"Yes, of course"

"Ok, now we just need to go over final details for the playroom downstairs"

"I've saved a moodboard on my computer, can I send you that. I want to keep the furniture we already have, and most of the toys, however I would like a bed in there now. I think the boys wanted to talk to you about that though"

"No problem Mrs Jeon. Remember I'm available at any time"

"Oh I know you've been brilliant, putting up with my midnight emails"

"You know exactly what you want which is wonderful, you're also very lovely and send me cake, which is more than likely why after this job, I shall have to use the payment to buy a new wardrobe, several sizes larger than the current one, and with elasticated waists"

"Don't be silly, you always look amazing. Anyway I've made a few mood boards for the nursery that I'll send over, and the children's bedrooms I just want basic white until they're ready to move into them"

"Yes I've got that here. The laundry room is being tiled as we speak, and the dog room is almost finished"

"Oh good, I hope they'll like it" Emily smiled. She had asked for a small room to be made in the space under the stairs, with dog beds, blankets, and a toy box, complete with a television and lighting. So the dogs had somewhere to relax, away from them or the babies when they arrived.

"Well, Mrs Jeon, that's all for this week, I'll call or email if I think of anything else"

"Thank you MiSun, you've been brilliant, not long to go" Emily bowed.


Emily walked into the dorms, to find Jisoo playing tug with Charlotte and a rope toy.

"She will win, she always does!" Emily smiled.

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