Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Two

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"Joe? Joe? Are you under the stairs again?" Emily smiled as opened the door to the dog area finding Joseph sat on the floor, being absolutely covered in dog kisses.

"You were terrified of Charlotte when your first met her, now look at you!"

"I don't need to speak to them to communicate, they make me calm and I can be me and they still love me" Joseph signed.

"Ok, well you come out when you're ready ok?"
Emily smiled sadly as she closed the door.

"What's wrong?" Jin frowned, as he walked into the lounge.

"Nothing, I'll talk to you later" Emily hugged him, tears pooling in her eyes.

"Ok, then. So what's the plan for today?"

"I've got therapy in a little while and then I promised Eliza we could go to the spa, Jungkook, Jimin and Hoseok are dancing in the practice room with the babies in baby jail, Carol and Oliver have gone sightseeing with Joon and Joseph is with the dogs"

"Ok then, well tonight how about we all go out for some dinner? Get a bit dressed up? I'll organise it all?"

"I would like that, you do the organising and let everyone know, thank you Jinnie. I mean it, You've helped so much this week, to make everything perfect, you all have and I'm grateful"

"Well, it's my night tonight and I'm going to choose your outfit for dinner so I'm sure you can think of some way to thank me"

"Mmm I'm sure I can, especially as I'm getting a fresh wax"

"You know how to make your Husband lose his mind"

"I might send you some pictures if you're good" Emily grinned.

"You're naughty, enjoy your day pumpkin"

"Love you, look after Joe for me"

"We will, we might go swimming, or play a video game. I'll make sure he has his phone with him so he can communicate with me too"

"Ok thank you, text me the details for tonight, we shouldn't be too long at the spa I hope" Emily smiled kissing his cheek.

"Take your time sweetheart, I'll send your outfit there as usual if you want? Then just come straight there? Do you think Eliza would mind if I sent her one?"

"Erm, I'll ask her and tell her to pack her own underwear, I do not want my husband choosing someone else's panties"

"Oh god, no, I didn't think of that, I'll ask one of the others or Minnie to find something for her to wear!" Jin looked positively horrified.

"Ok, Eliza is going to sit outside while I have therapy ok? So I won't be coming back, I'm taking Choi and Yang with us"

"Ok, mmmm be good" Jin kissed her.

"I'm not promising anything" Emily winked as Eliza cleared her throat.

"Seriously you guys are just so fucking lovey-dovey! I thought once you were married and had babies you turned into a stressed, grumpy woman who hated everyone"

"Oh, Eliza! I did turn into that woman when I first had them, believe me!"

"When you had them? You were a nightmare the whole time you were pregnant and now you just do it part-time"

"Carrying three of your children, I must add, you know what I said about later?" Emily raised an eyebrow

"Ok, ok, I'm sorry you were sweetness and light the whole time, you are a joy to be around" Jin held his hands up.

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