Chapter Twenty Six

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As Emily walked around the room taking in the fresh decor, the beautiful black and white photos that lined the dark plum walls- photos of her and the boys together, a few of her and Mattie and lastly some of her and the fluffy trio, tears streamed down her face. No one had ever done something so thoughtful for her before.

They had made her very own practice area, complete with pole, aerial silks and mirrors, but that was just the corner, across the other side in front of the window were two beautifully shaped large dark green armchairs with a small dark wood table between them and a matching carved bookcase filled with books, from fiction to the Korean language, to poetry, BDSM practices, erotica and even some comics. It was decorated with cushions, fur throws and small Tiffany-style lamps with little golden pull cords, it was the most luxurious reading area she had ever seen.

"We each chose some books we thought you would like. The comics are mine, we thought we might read with you sometimes" Jungkook grinned.

"There's a mini-fridge too for snacks and drinks" Taehyung pointed out a fridge that was filled, mainly with her favourites.

"And behind the screen is a different area...." Yoongi smiled suspiciously, as Emily peaked behind the floor to ceiling screen covering half of the room.

"No, oh no no no no no! You didn't!" Emily's hand flew to her mouth as she took in what was in front of her.

"We did! We converted the closet for more room and there's still a half bath through that door to clean up" Hoseok smiled

"It's like fifty shades of fucking grey. What the actual fuck" Emily laughed as she took in the wooden, leather padded spanking bench in front of her. Covered in black leather the 'horse' had the main panel in the centre where someone could lie down, and lower down on each side were almost shelves she imagined to put arms and legs on. There were silver attachments where restraints could be attached. If she lay on it, she would be ... displayed, fully open, she started to imagine the scenes as she looked around, The walls lined with instruments that wouldn't be out of place in a torture chamber.

A small black cabinet with glass shelves held bottles of lube, vibrators, and other bottles that Emily would have investigated later, all beautifully laid out.

"We thought it would be good to have a playroom of sorts. That way your bedroom will always be a calming sanctuary for you." Jin smiled down at the redhead.

"This is amazing, how did you guys even get this furniture in, without me seeing?"

"Why do you think we started so early? We knew it would take you at least twenty minutes to get out of bed once we started making a noise!" Laughed Taehyung.

"Oh also, if you press this button, it shows us someone is in here but doesn't want to be disturbed, that makes the light red outside, or if you press this one, it makes it orange, someone's in here and doesn't mind anyone joining and if you press this one it's green for empty!" Yoongi said pleased with himself.

"Guys, this is amazing! How can I thank you? Honestly, this is so thoughtful!"

"Oh baby, we were selfish really. We can watch you hang upside down on a pole, or tie you up over there and do whatever we want to you" Hoseok murmured close to Emily's ear, sending shivers down her spine.

"Oh and the tv there can play some of the films I've seen saved on your iPad" Jimin added with a wink nodding at the large flat screen tv on the wall.

"I swear you are going to kill me one day! You are just too fucking much" Emily laughed.

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