Chapter Forty Four

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Emily was sitting on her knees on the floor in the middle of her closet surrounded by strewn clothes.

"I've got nothing to fucking wear! Everything's too fucking big! Fuck my fucking life. I've been living in your T-shirt's" she raged.

"Baby! Will you please calm down. We can go shopping while we are there? Hmm?" Jimin pleaded.

"And what the fuck am I supposed to wear in the meantime hmm my fucking panties? AND don't answer that!" She said pointing a single finger in his direction.

"Do you have something to wear for the drive?"

"Yes? Why?"

"Right let's go online, get next day delivery, and they can be delivered to the hotel by the morning? Just choose a good selection of stuff and then we will sort the rest out when we come back?"

"Are you sure?"

"Baby if it will make you happy and you will stop screeching and swearing like a sailor, I'm positive"

Emily had dropped two dress sizes entirely unintentionally, most of the weight had gone from her boobs, which she was sad about but at least she was in proportion, she mused trying to find a positive. None of her usual clothes fit and her bras were more for show than for any actual use.

Emily picked up her iPad, logging into her usual online clothing store and quickly adding several basics, leggings and T-shirts. Before Jimin swiped the tablet from her grasp.

"Oh, no baby girl. You want to feel confident, leggings are not confident. Let me"

He spent the next thirty minutes clicking on different stores, checking sizes and at one point whipped out a measuring tape, as he put in his credit card details several times, Emily tried to argue.

"Baby girl it's my day today and you can always thank me later" with a wink he continued.

Emily looked at the order confirmations. He had ordered the most beautiful dresses, mainly wrap dresses, skirts, cardigans, some casual and some dressy, White tailored shirts, cigarette pants, some swimwear, lingerie. Everything was bought in outfits, he was so stylish and had an eye for Fashion that Emily was lacking.

The lingerie however was a purely selfish purchase. Raising an eyebrow at the barely there thongs, peephole bras, and a pair of crotchless knickers, Emily was sure they were made from dental floss, they surely were not what she would wear to meet her soulmates' family. Luckily there were a few staples and proper bras in smaller sizes.

"Crotchless? Really!" Emily raised her eyebrow at him.

"Easy. Access?" He smirked.

"Speaking of which I still have to thank you..." Emily crawled over to him. Straddling his lap.

"I can't wait to say you're welcome"

He gently pushed her so she was laying on her back, surrounded by clothing.

He knelt slowly, never breaking eye contact as he moved each of her legs upwards, grasping at her panties and pulling them down and off, throwing them to somewhere in the room.

He lifted her legs so they rested on his shoulders, As he gently blew on her soaked core, Emily whined, her sopping core and reddened clit desperate for attention. Jimin decided to quickly put her out of her misery and swooped his head down taking the bundle of nerves into his mouth and sucking gently.

Emily writhed as pleasure shot through her, as he continued his assault on her clit, licking, sucking and gently nibbling he inserted two fingers into her drenched pussy, curling his fingers upwards.

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