Chapter Eighty Eight

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It was the week before the wedding and Emily felt like every time she had ticked something off her list, five more things appeared at the bottom of it. The wedding planner assured her that everything was almost finished and going to schedule. But Emily needed to see everything herself. She swore she had heard the boys mutter 'bridezilla' more than once.

Aside from the boys' family, the security and Mattie, the guests hadn't been told where the venue was to prevent security breaches, they would be sent the details on the morning of the wedding. All phones would be handed in upon entry, and the boys had hired extra security to make sure that they were all safe, guests included.

They were getting married in a church and then the reception and other ceremonies were going to be at a beautiful traditional Korean hall. With beautiful curved roofs. That had been converted into a stunning luxury hotel, it had secure grounds filled with magnolia and cherry trees, which should be beginning to bear fruit. It was perfect. Emily checked everywhere was air-conditioned, as August was notorious for high temperatures, hopefully, a monsoon would evade them. She prayed.

Stuart had landed safely and had met with Emily and the boys over dinner to go over the ceremony with the wedding planner. It was going to be mainly an English style with vows but translated into Korean, that they were each writing themselves. Emily had written different vows for each of the boys, hers were in English and theirs would probably be in Korean. But she didn't know they wouldn't tell her.

She was sad that Joseph didn't want to make the journey again. He didn't want to miss a single day of work, and he was worried about all of the people. Emily made sure he could be included in the ceremony with his model train being part of her bouquet.

She had made sure they had a translator and someone would be translating her vows onto a large screen behind her. So it was inclusive.

Afterwards, they would go to the hotel and there would be a traditional Paebaek Ceremony with the boys' parents. Then onto a wedding breakfast with speeches and a break for photographs and to get changed before a party into the night.

Emily and the boys had a suite booked for a week afterwards, so they could celebrate privately. There were two enormous bedrooms connected by a bathroom. Emily had checked that the beds would be big enough for seven, which they were. It was a custom set for the hotel especially for multiple soulmates.

The whole hotel had been booked out solely for their use. All of the families were staying for a week, and Mattie was staying until the end of the month so she could celebrate Chuseok with Emily. The boys were each going to their family home to celebrate, as they usually did. Emily didn't want to choose just one, so decided she would celebrate with Mattie and her little family.

After the week at the hotel was over, they would be staying at the dorms with Mattie, Archie and Iris and their newest arrival bouncing baby Alfie. He had made his way into the world at well over eight pounds. Making Emily wince at the thought. But she couldn't wait to meet him and see Iris again, only two days until their flight touched down, and Emily wanted everything to be perfect.

The boys were finishing off their work, making sure all the loose ends were tied up, so they could be fully present. Everyone was frazzled and slightly snappy, none more so than Emily. Jin had only asked if she had seen his purple hoodie and had his head snapped off by Emily, grumpily asking him if she had to do everything around here.

That was it. Jin snapped, he had enough of stressed Emily. She had already argued with Jimin who had lost his temper with her and he was not going to get into an argument. He picked up throwing her over his shoulder and smacking her bottom as she screeched obscenities at him, hitting his back.

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