Authors Note & Disclaimer

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I'm republishing this book on Wattpad after deletion.

This is my very first fanfiction.

It's not my first book, but it is my first on Inkitt, and constructive advice is always welcome.

I hope you enjoy reading about Emily and her journey.

Don't forget to add 'Make it right' to your libraries so you can see any updates.


I do not give anyone permission to use any of my story in any capacity.

My works are entirely of my own writing and original.

The characters used are the names of BTS, only, they do not represent them in real life.

Any attempt to republish scenes of my book with parts changed and use it as your own will be in direct violation of copyright and actions will be taken

Pru x

Make It Right- A BTS OT7 Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now