The Rescue

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Using their newfound ship the Argus, the Avengers landed on Taral V near the main Imperial fortress. They then made their way up to the fortress' security outpost, fighting through the various Imperial soldiers, jurgorans, gundarks, Vehicons, Dark Hands and Imperial commandos that crowded their path.

Taral V has a tropical environment. The planet's landscape was covered in tall grass and mountains. Taral V also had frequent lightning strikes, which were powerful enough to bring down an Imperial Star Destroyers.
Taral V was also home to many dangerous native species, including lurkers, jurgorans, gundarks and vine cats, all of which were aggressive and dangerous to even a highly armed team of children.

Taral V was also home to many dangerous native species, including lurkers, jurgorans, gundarks and vine cats, all of which were aggressive and dangerous to even a highly armed team of children

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The son of Joseph and Elita One named Mark was firing away at the incoming AT-STs and even AT-PTs in his vehicle mode. Mark's M1A1 Abrams tank mode is really powerful, as he was using two full rotation turrets, three main cannons, a machine gun turret seat, and two mounted grim reaper missile launchers. Joseph's son has two tank modes, but he used the M1A1 Abrams more than his Grizzly tank mode more.

Maximillian, also called Max, the son of Joseph and Kira Carsen used the foliage of cover to his advantage, hiding in the bushes and shooting up Imperial Stormtroopers with his heavy blaster pistol quietly snapping their necks with ease

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Maximillian, also called Max, the son of Joseph and Kira Carsen used the foliage of cover to his advantage, hiding in the bushes and shooting up Imperial Stormtroopers with his heavy blaster pistol quietly snapping their necks with ease. He has modified Clone trooper Armor and he lost his arm to a being called Phase, but made his own replacement arm later on in his life.

 He has modified Clone trooper Armor and he lost his arm to a being called Phase, but made his own replacement arm later on in his life

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