Second Rebellion

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40 ABY

Following the conclusion of the Yuuzhan Vong War, much of the galaxy had been ravaged by the Yuuzhan Vong. However, Corellia had emerged relatively unscathed, placing it in a position to increase its already impressive economic power and offer reconstruction loans to less fortunate planets. Nearly a decade after the Yuuzhan Vong's defeat, the economies of most sectors and systems were rebounding: richer worlds were assisting poorer ones and populations that had escaped harm pledged to assist those that had not.

Corellia was rewarded by the Galactic Alliance with the removal of the office of the Governor-General. The Five Brothers were united through a system government, with each planet electing its own Head of State and the system led by Prime Minister Aidel Saxan. As the Five Worlds prospered, it forgave wartime criminals like Thrackan Sal-Solo, who was subsequently elected the system's Minister of War and Head of State of Corellia.

However, during this relative peace came tensions between the central government and outlying worlds: the destruction of the galactic economy during the war led to poverty and unrest, while Galactic Alliance rebuilding efforts were hampered by inefficiency and corruption. Economic gains in some systems were mirrored by losses in others, breeding resentment and accusations of favoritism. Corellia began to chafe under the Galactic Alliance as it previously had under the New Republic and Galactic Republic: Corellian money and Corellian Defense Force ships were being used by the Galactic Alliance and the Dominion of Allied Empires for reconstruction across the galaxy, with apparently little in return for Corellia except for restrictions on its fleet and its ability to strike trade agreements with other systems.

Corellia began to delay its military contributions and tax payments to the Alliance, while at the same time making use of Alliance infrastructure and trade benefits. It also consistently opposed greater central control over systems and sectors. Slowly, other industrialized planets like Commenor, Fondor, and Bespin began to display similarly rebellious streaks. While Corellia made no overt public challenge at this time, it secretly began building a fleet comparable to a planetary assault force, with ships equipped with fast-strike capabilities and long-range weapons, supplied by planets like Adumar.

In addition, Alliance accountants had located records of Corellia's secret fleet, while Jedi Knight Jacen Solo and his Ben Skywalker had discovered an Adumari arms manufacturer producing concussion missiles and proton torpedoes in violation of Order GAO-B11333B. Corellia claimed that the galaxy was too dangerous to justify the Sector Defense Limits, and that its wealth was being taken advantage of by the Galactic Alliance.

Meanwhile, Corellian scientists worked to bring Centerpoint Station online, hoping to once again use the power of the supernova-inducing Celestial artifact as leverage in any negotiations with the GA. As tensions grew, Corellia's soft rebellion led to the imprisonment of key Corellians like the Galactic Civil War hero Wedge Antilles, whom the Galactic Alliance Intelligence Service perceived as potential threats.


Castle Mobius

Castle Mobius

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