Settling Threats

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CIS Spire

CIS Spire

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Albion, the Earth-like moon of Zakuul and new home of all CIS forces and civilians

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Albion, the Earth-like moon of Zakuul and new home of all CIS forces and civilians. The CIS were bringing many vehicles and weapons to Albion before and after the Pearl Harbor attack by C.S.A.T. and the BTR-3DA is no different. Many were used against Egg Pawns, Egg Robos, Swatbots, Egg Fighters, Robotnik trooper Badniks and the Eggman Forces controlled by Doctor Eggman Nega.

 Many were used against Egg Pawns, Egg Robos, Swatbots, Egg Fighters, Robotnik trooper Badniks and the Eggman Forces controlled by Doctor Eggman Nega

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Luminoth, a twenty four old Gryphoness Alchemical Hybrid who's married to Joseph Kirkpatrick. She has Super Strength, Hyper Sonic Speed, Flight, Fire Breath, lots of Force powers and a very Seductive Nature. She enjoys breastfeeding Joseph, having sex with Joseph, cuddling with Joseph, reading, always being near Joseph, helping N.A.T.O. and training.

Luminoth was a former student of the Eternal Order, she was exiled due to her very lustful behavior on Zonama. It wasn't found out until after she left the Eternal Order that Luminoth is constantly in heat. She however did not turn her back on N.A.T.O and Found love with Joseph Kirkpatrick, since then she's been inseparable from him, and she was also found to have horrible Separation Anxiety. She was shown to have panic attacks when she was any point temporarily separated from her husband for doing a patrol or even going on a mission. Her breasts produced gallons of milk which she often lets her husband suck out of her nipples and was said to be Lila's creations, but in truth: she was a naturally born creature and became very fast friends with Cynder.

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