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Humility, a modest or low view of one's own importance in comparison to thier peers. Rarely is this act exhibited by those in positions of power and influence. While Jedi posses power great enough to reshape the very fabric of life. Jedi do not crave such things. Jedi serve, they do not rule. They protect, they do not attack. They view themselves as equals, not as superiors. But pride is a sickness that can infect even the noblest of beings and turn them into monsters. Even those as wise as the Jedi are not immune to the temptations such power can bring. For power can corrupt as easily as it can save. The Force can grant an individual many gifts, even the ability to defy death. And that alone has driven many good Knights into the deepest, darkest places. Humanity is a key component in the Jedi's philosophy but for some, the intoxication of power is to great and a desire to subjugate the lesser is to strong. This is a path of darkness, this is the birth of the Dark One.

Another universe, opposite to Universe Prime

Another universe, opposite to Universe Prime

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Soon. . .

A small sect of Jedi Knights began practicing extended uses of the Force. By relying more and more upon the Force, these Knights learned that using the Force of sufficient intensity could bend life itself. With their new powers, the Knights experimented upon other lifeforms to create new species and predators as extensions of their will. It was postulated that their power could even be used to end death and revive dead worlds. Other Jedi looked upon these new powers with suspicion, suspecting that such power would only lead to abuse. The earliest rebels, the Legions of Lettow, had been defeated in the First Great Schism, but their legacy remained, and a second group of dissidents would emerge, led by such rogue Jedi as Ajunta Pall, XoXaan, Karness Muur and... Another being, a brown skinned human male with brown eyes, black faded hair, standing five meters tall.

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