Galaxies Unite

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Many universes died after the alteration of reality, time and space. Some violently destroyed, others simply vanishing unable to hold themselves together. However out of the chaos one universe was able to stabilize after the collision of at least four or more universes. The Dominion, Eternals and their allies enter upon galaxy's in turmoil. Factions from many different points in time now co-exist together, but not necessarily peacefully.

Due to the nature of the galaxy being the result of a merger of more than one universe, there are in some cases multiple versions of the same planets just in different time periods.

These are the factions:

*The Old Republic*
HQ: Old Republic Era Coruscant
Description: Often considered the greatest nation to ever exist, the Old Republic survived and even thrived for tens of thousands of years. Lead by the legendary Jedi Knights of old, they stand as the best prepared for this new "Merge" Universe, well used to charting and conquering the unknown.

*The Sith Empire*
HQ: Korriban
Description: Unlike the order they would eventually spawn, the Sith Empire does not operate in the shadows: they embrace the darkness fully and defeat their enemies with fire and war. Although they have a unmatched military strength, they lack good infrastructure and Leaders.

*The Galactic Republic*
HQ: Clone Wars Era Coruscant
Description: A shadow of it's former self, the Republic is largely a broken, corrupt senate trying to hold onto power. Backed by the massive clone army, as well as the more extreme Jedi, they cling to the hope they can at least negotiate a peace to ensure their survival.

*The Separatists Alliance*
HQ: Raxus
Description: The Count of Sereano has always been one to recognize and seize any opportunity that comes his way: when the Merge Universe was created, he immediately cut ties with his Sith master and finally made the C.I.S a truly independent faction.

*The Galactic Empire*
HQ: Galactic Civil War Era Coruscant
Description: One of no less than three factions that are all based on Coruscant, the Empire is the only one that can truly claim it as it's own. Driving the Old Republic off-world and forcing the Republic into it's vassal, it stands well poised to drive for complete galactic domination.

*The Rebel Alliance*
HQ: Alderaan
Description: Under-powered and outgunned, like always, the Rebel Alliance is trying hard to stay on top of things in this strange new world. On the bright side, the Empire has largely forgotten them in favor of the C.I.S and Sith, giving them more freedom to grow than ever before.

*The First Order*
HQ: None (Destroyed by The Resistance).
Description: Too violent to reconcile with the original Empire, the First Order is still bent on bringing the Galaxy to it's knees, this time going up against their ideological predecessor. Snoke claims to be the only Galactic leader who predicted the Merge.

*The Resistance*
HQ: None (Destroyed by The First Order).
Description: Isolated deep in enemy territory, the Resistance is desperately seeking a way to unite with either the Republic(s) or Rebels. With less resources than any of the other factions, they make up for their lack of military with their sheer determination.

*The Mandalorians*
HQ: Mandalore
Description: It has long been theorized that a united Mandolore would be one of the greatest galactic factions. With several generations of Fetts leading them, they are proving the old sayings very true, sacking numerous worlds and raising a small but elite fighting force.

*The Hutts*
HQ: Nal Hutta
Description: No matter the Universe, the Hutt lords are still a major force to contend with in the criminal underworld. Now, after the Merge, they are returning to their warlord roots and using their money to fund under trained but massive armies of mercenaries.

*The Decepticons*
Description: Longtime enemies of the heroic Autobots the Decepticons in a few universes have conquered the Cybertronian homeworld driving all the Autobots away. For the time being they have no desire to expand. For now.

*The Predacons(BW)*
HQ: Cybertron
Description: After the Decepticons conquered Cybertron in some universes the Pedacons' ancestors welcomed them as thanks for bringing them back using the AllSpark with the Chaos Drives.

*The Autobots*
HQ: Earth/Mobius
Description: After losing their homeworld to the evil Decepticons the Autobots and their descendants the Maximals have moved to Earth/Mobius making thier new headquarters and base of operations near Castle Mobius. King Sonic and his wife Queen Sally had no problem at all allowing thier longtime friends and allies sanctuary.

*The Maximals*
HQ: None
Description: As much as the Autobots' descendants the Maximals want to settle down they are more concerned about liberating Cybertron. Going from to planet to planet with the Avengers and their alternates liberating them from either the Decepticons, Eggman Forces, or even renegade Eternals and pure Sith to one day gather the numbers and strength to free their homeworld.

*The Eggman Empire*
HQ: Earth/Mobius
Description: The long thought dead Doctor Ivo Eggman Robotnik has returned and this time he has help from an... Otherworldly source. Having reorganized his badniks as well as his Shadowbots and Swatbots it seems like the Eggman has a master plan.

*The Republic of Acorn*
HQ: Mobius/Earth
Description: The Republic of Acorn is the largest ruling government of the free Mobians of Mobius, previously known as the Kingdom of Acorn. The kingdom became a republic when Royal Army General and Tails father Amadeus Prower once launched a revolution demanding political change, which resulted in power being shared between the people and the House of Acorn, creating a republic. The people are represented and ruled by King Sonic and his wife Queen Sally and had good relations with Angel Island.

*The United Federation*
HQ: Mobius/Earth
Description:  The United Federation is a government that governs all Human and Overlander settlements and inhabited areas on Mobius. Its capital is Central City, and its primary military force is G.U.N.. The United Federation is also run the by the President. The United Federation is also known to occupy a large number of areas and settlements on Earth/Mobius.

*The Eternal Empire*
HQ: Zakkul
Description: In this universe in particular is one where the Eternal Empire is ruled by a mighty Empress descended from a lineage of great power. However, having grown curious of this new galaxy she has taken a personal journey to explore what this universe offers.

*The Dominion of Allied Empires*
HQ: Scarif
Description: The Dominion of Allied Empires, and/or the Dominion of Galactic Empires is a massive Empire run by High Empress Huntress, she formed it from the various Imperial Remnants and while ruling with a Fist of Iron, it also rules justly and fairly. The Dominion of Allied Empires is the most powerful Empire to ever rule in most universes.

*The Unification of Galactic Planets*
HQ: Chandilar
Description: The Unification of Galactic Planets, or just called the Union is a intergalactic organization created by Dj's wife Sentress to deal with important matters in the universe and Omniverse. Represented are the races of several galaxies and other dimensions. For example, there is Asgard ,Negative Zone, the Vaggarai and Empire of the Hand. Trials of great importance are conducted via their singular leader Sentress who invokes only in the most important cases. Consisting of an inner council that is made up of the leaders of the major empires and an assembly of representatives from thousands to trillions of worlds. Sentress's inner council is the primary decision-making body in the organization, although Sentress makes all the decisions, leading her Union in war and in enforcing-making policy. The assembly had over 10,000 representatives by the start of the 21st century and by the Builders' War it had representatives from hundreds of thousands of worlds.

Other galaxies like the Alpha Centauri systems and New Eden have joined in on this massive multiversal war. Some have chosen sides, some are considering their allegiances and a few are absolutely neutral.

Note: Now it begins.

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