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Since the defeat of the Galactic Empire and the forging of a New Republic, Luke Skywalker has established himself as the Grand Master of his New Jedi Order. A Jedi Praxeum (Jedi academy) has been built on Yavin IV, and a new Jedi Temple has been built on Naboo which is the New Republics capitol for years.
In these peaceful times, the Jedi have been allowed to thrive. But Grand Master Luke’s senses have not been dulled by this peace. He has made sure to keep the younglings and his Jedi on their toes. Luke Skywalker has become a doomsayer among the members of the New Republic and some of his Order, but as the citizens of the galaxy have grown far too comfortable in these peaceful days, a new threat far more powerful than any they have encountered before is about to make its presence known...

Jedi Knights played key roles in disabling the Eye of Palpatine battlestation, preventing the spread of the Death Seed plague, and stopping the Disciples of Ragnos, a cult with the goal of resurrecting the Sith Lord, Marka Ragnos. Finally they also took part in neutralizing Centerpoint Station in the Corellian Crisis. During this period, research missions increased, with investigation on such planets as Chandrila, OssusKaminoKorriban,  RuusanBarab I, and Borgo Prime. One such mission to the Deep Core resulted in the capture of a Jedi Knight. A rescue team was dispatched, which managed to trace the captors to the Imperial fortress world of Prakith, home of the Citadel Inquisitorius. Confronting Inquisitor Shynne, the team managed to safely rescue the Knight. Other successes included Eelysa breaking a number of slave rings in the Outer Rim, Fahjay stopping an assassination attempt against Admiral Gial Ackbar, and the Jedi Knights negotiating a peace accord between the warring Drovian and Gopso'o tribes on Nim Drovis—a war that had continued for generations. The Jedi also embarked on other diplomatic missions, such as to Iridonia.

Discoveries of Jedi relics, such as Jedi armor on Garn, lightsabers on Ossus, Asli Krimsan's holocron on Vjun and Arca Jeth's holocron on Arkania added to the Order's knowledge of ancient Jedi practices. Many of these would be implemented, such as pairing up Masters to apprentices and the formation of Jedi clans.

Luke's Order also allowed marriage, even conducting Jedi ceremonies for a Tionne clone and Kam Solusar, and later when Luke Skywalker married a Mara Jade clone. Many other Jedi, such as Kirana Ti, Corran Horn, Daye Azur-Jamin and Tyria Sarkin Tainer, married non Force-sensitives, with their children providing the next generation of Jedi trainees. The stark separation from family that was practiced by the Old Order would also be disregarded, with opportunities for employment and accommodation provided for trainees' families around the Academy.


Jedi Council Chambers

Jedi Council Chambers

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