Civil War II

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Back at the Iacon base, Vehicons were either working at any still-functioning consoles or making necessary repairs to any damaged equipment

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Back at the Iacon base, Vehicons were either working at any still-functioning consoles or making necessary repairs to any damaged equipment. With them was Soundwave, the Decepticons' main communications officer, who was supervising the troops in their endeavors and Starscream whose arm had been reattached not too long ago. In the middle of the room was the undisputed leader of the Decepticons himself - Megatron; he was gazing into the outside world and watched his many forces either retreat back to Kaon or to other areas of the entire planet. His activity was interrupted when he heard the sound of the door opening behind him.

Entering the room were two Land drones and they were carrying in a heavily-damaged Optimus Prime by the arms then they dropped him a yard away from their leader; the second-in-command walked over to the fallen Autobot

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Entering the room were two Land drones and they were carrying in a heavily-damaged Optimus Prime by the arms then they dropped him a yard away from their leader; the second-in-command walked over to the fallen Autobot.

"Feeling well, Optimus?" sarcastically asked Starscream then he kicked the Prime in the side, "that's for tearing off my arm, you pathetic piece of scrap."

"Enough, Starscream," ordered Megatron then he turned around and his commander backed away.

The strongest Decepticon walked towards his fallen rival as the Autobot managed enough energy to push himself up and look up at the approaching robot.

Optimus smiled a little as the tyrannical leader stopped before him "Megatron, long time no see."

"Indeed, Optimus. Even though you and your Autobots lost the war, I must commend you for fighting this long. But I must ask why," said the Decepticon leader, kneeling down, "why fight me? Why would you go against my will? Why would you fight a futile battle?"

The Prime managed to bring himself to one knee then answered, "Because I . . . believe in . . . his words . . . that freedom is the right of all sentient beings . . . and no one . . . not even you . . . has the right to enslave anyone else."

His answer caused Megatron to growl at bit but he replaced his hostile expression with a smirk then he stood up, "It matters not anyway. My rule over Cybertron is absolute and the Autobots are gone. There is no one left to stop me, Cybertron is mine."

"But that is not enough for you is it?" said Optimus, smirking a bit.

His words caused a look of shock to appear on Megatron's face then the Autobot kept speaking, "That's right. I know what you plan to do . . . and you will never succeed."

Shock was soon replaced by regained confidence before the supreme Decepticon leader said, "Again, it matters not. You have delivered to me something that will . . . ensure my victory. Starscream, Soundwave, hold him."

Once his command was given, the two aforementioned higher-ranking Decepticons came over, grabbed Ultronus' arms, and picked him up until he was barely standing. Their leader stepped right up to his rival before jabbing both of his hands into the Autobot's chest then he used his great strength to rip off the Prime's torso paneling; Optimus gave off a silent scream of sheer pain as electrical sparks and spurts of liquid Energon sprayed from his exposed chest area.

Megatron and Starscream both possessed sadistic grins while this was happening though the former lost his upon seeing only the interior mechanics and outer spark chamber of his Autobot enemy. The second-in-command and communications officer looked too then dropped the fallen Prime once they saw the same thing as their leader.

"Where is it!? WHERE'S THE MATRIX!?" demanded Megatron from Optimus.

All the Autobot did was look up at his enemy as Energon trickled from the side of his mouth then he spoke, "'Til all are one."

Those words only succeeded in enraging Megatron who aimed one of his arm-mounted fusion cannons at Optimus and fired. The blast created a large hole in the Autobot's chest before his lifeless body fell to the floor; his blue optics quickly went dark, signaling his death. His Decepticon executioner was growling and snarling while he turned around then a loud roar escaped his mouth along with fumes of purple steam. Much of his body looked like it was about to transform but it stopped once the supreme leader calmed down.

"Lord Megatron?" asked Starscream out of fear.

"Soundwave, open communications to Shockwave at once," ordered Megatron.

The blue Decepticon nodded then walked over to one of the functioning consoles before one of his tentacles slithered out from his back and plugged into an outlet on the side. Once he was all hooked up, Soundwave turned toward the center of the room as his torso screen lit up and projected a holographic square in front of the leader's face; the cyclopean face of the lead Decepticon scientist Shockwave 2.0 appeared on the floating shape.

"Lord Megatron, how may I be of assistance?" asked Shockwave.

"Shockwave, have you heard back from your salvage team?" asked Megatron.

"Only that they were trying to excavate the object of interest without significantly damaging it. May I ask why, milord?" said the purple cyclops.

"Because I want to get our main battle fleet off of Cybertron . . . as soon as possible," said Megatron as he bared his sharp dental structures in fierce determination.

Meanwhile. . .

In a galaxy residing in a far-off corner of the vast universe, a large spacebridge portal gate was quietly floating in the darkness until it activated without warning. It quickly went silent again after spewing out the starship containing Autobot Team Omega.

The entire team looked around at their present location before Red Alert spoke, "Where are we?"

"Beats me. I'm an engineer, not a space explorer," answered Bumper.

It was indeed a quandary since all they saw around them were stars and blackness.

"Well wherever we are, the auto-pilot brought us here because Optimus told it to. Which means this is where Megatron is going to strike next. The only question is where is the intended target?" asked Bluestreak.

Springer was still looking around until he saw something two light-years ahead of their ship then pointed at it, "Maybe it's that."

His team looked in same direction and saw the object in question; it appeared to be a gigantic wall hidden in the shadows and they were heading right for it.

"What's that?" asked Bluestreak.

To get some clarification about what they were looking at, Bumper pushed a couple of buttons that activated the ship's scanners then a large holographic screen appeared before them and it offered a zoomed-out view at the object before them. It was a sphere composed of dirt and rock though the Autobots knew exactly what it was.

"A moon? That's Megatron next target? Why?" asked Springer.

Bumper pushed another button, causing a scanning line to move from right to left a couple of times on the present holographic screen then a large red X covered the moon.

"I'm not getting any Energon signatures from it so that theory is out the window," said the blue Volkswagen.

"Then why are we here?" asked the green Hummer.

Suddenly, the auto-pilot directed the ship to go left until it was no longer behind the moon in question; this gave the team a look at what was beyond the large crater-faced sphere but what they saw next made their optics widen in shock and surprise.

"Is that what I think it is?" asked Springer.

". . . . It is," said Bluestreak.

In front of Team Omega is a world that was the subject of many conversations back on Cybertron and now apparently Megatron's next target for conquest - the notorious battlefield planet that the Autobots have saved more than once. Ever since the Black Arms Invasion many years ago and many more conflicts and adventures-- A planet known as Earth and/or Mobius.

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