Secerts of the Anicents

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Meanwhile on the Galactic Republic Coruscant...

Jedi Master Yoda was alone in his meditation chamber, but rather than meditating he was waiting for someone. It was then Anakin Skywalker walked in and sat down in front of Yoda cross legged

Anakin: "You summoned me master?"

Yoda: "Summon you I did Skywalker. Sensed an anomaly in The Force I have."

Anakin: "I mean no offense Master Yoda, but The Force has felt strange ever since The Convergence event, what makes this case so different?"

Yoda: "Because familiar, this disturbance is."

Anakin: "Familiar? Like something you've felt before? Or... SomeONE, Master?"

Yoda nodded. Here, in the Meditation Chamber, Anakin was starting to feel it as well.

Yoda: "Returned, an old friend has. Something new, this is, not a Timeline collision, but a resurrection this is."

Anakin: "What do you think it means? Who do you think it is, Master Yoda?"

Yoda: "The meaning, I do not pretend to know. Perhaps just the will of the Force, it is."

The wise, old, and former Grandmaster sighed. Anakin stared at his boots, thinking. It was easy, even for a Jedi, to forget the Force still had a will of it's own these days.

He looked up, about to say something, but paused.

Yoda was casually floating a metal cylinder in front of him, spinning it as he thought matters over.

Anakin: "Is that... I thought the weapons of fallen Masters were kept on Tython."

Yoda: "But want it back, they normally do not."

The Grandmaster floated the Lightsaber into Anakin's hand. A flood of memories came rushing back, images of the first Jedi Master Anakin had ever met. He had no doubt, Qui-gon Jinn was back.

Anakin: "This is incredible! Are you going to find him?"

Yoda: "Wish I could, I do. But responsibilities here, I have, that I can not ignore."

Anakin: "But you are sending someone, aren't you? We have to get him back!"

Yoda: "Of course, one of our most noble Knights I am sending. Anakin Skywalker."

It took a couple moments for it to register with Anakin what his Grandmaster had said.

Anakin: "With all due respect, I was under the impression that I was still under house-arrest."

Yoda: "Long and carefully, we debated this. Our combined councils, having difficulties, we are."

Anakin: "I can imagine. Jedi Masters thousands of years apart from each other, I guess you can't always agree."

Yoda: "True enough, Young Skywalker. But agreed, we have, to send you, under one condition."

Anakin: "Condition? I don't like the sound of that..."

Yoda: "Take Senator Amidala with you, you must."

Anakin: "I knew I didn't like the sound of that. Absolutely out of the question."

Yoda: "Be so quick to dismiss the Council's decision, you should not. The effort required for both Councils to condone your relationship with the senator, considerable it was."

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