The Sekot Accords

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29 ABY

The Sekot Accords are the peace accords between the Galactic Alliance and the Yuuzhan Vong empire after the Battle of Yuuzhan'tar.

After the death of the Vong Supreme Overlord Shimrra Jamaane at the hands of Luke Skywalker, the Yuuzhan Vong were thrown into despair. Though Supreme Overlords were commonly killed (as this was usually how a new leader ascended to the polyp throne), there was usually a pool of candidates from which a successor would come. However, Shimrra had ensured that there were no possible successors. Without an officially confirmed Overlord, the Yuuzhan Vong were essentially incapable of appealing to the gods. Thus, the Yuuzhan Vong were defeated, and Warmaster Nas Choka, the highest ranking survivor of the Elite, ordered the Empire cease all combat, and either join him in surrender, or join Shimrra in a honorable death. Without any protocols for surrender, the Yuuzhan Vong expected the Galactic Alliance to act how they would in such a situation: to execute all of them.

There were many in the Galactic Alliance who were willing to do just that. The Bothans, who had declared ar'krai against the Yuuzhan Vong, demanded that every Yuuzhan Vong be wiped out. Some groups suggested that they simply kill off the entire Warrior caste. Less militant factions suggested that they imprison the Yuuzhan Vong aboard their vessels, or simply send them back to the Void between the known galaxy and the Yuuzhan Vong galaxy. A solution soon presented itself in the form of Zonama Sekot. Sekot, the living intelligence of the planet, revealed that it was the seed of Yuuzhan'tar, the Yuuzhan Vong homeworld destroyed during the Cremlevian War. Sekot asked that the Yuuzhan Vong be allowed to settle the planet, so that they could redefine their beliefs in peace.

Zonama Sekot revealed itself to be the seed of the long-dead original Yuuzhan Vong homeworld. One of the terms of surrender the Galactic Alliance placed before the Yuuzhan Vong was that they were to help rebuild Coruscant. The New Republic, now formed into the
The Galactic Federation of Free Alliances, also known as the Federal Galactic Republic, but most commonly known as the Galactic Alliance moved its temporary capital to Denon.

Chief of State Delvargus Kong Junior agreed to convince the Galactic Alliance Senate to spare the Yuuzhan Vong, but under strong conditions. According to the terms of the surrender, the Yuuzhan Vong were to not demilitarize, and keep all their spacecraft, so that they could leave Zonama Sekot's atmosphere wherever they wished.

In addition, the shapers were to help the Alliance and Dominion in placating the World Brain of Yuuzhan'tar so that the Alliance could start the reconstruction of the galaxy. The Ruling castes were to cease their persecution of the Shamed Ones, now renamed the Extolled, and abolish their caste systems. They were also required to cease their blood rituals and sacrificing sentient beings to their gods. Finally, Nas Choka was to recall all Yuuzhan Vong to the Scarif system, where they would join the rest of the Yuuzhan Vong on Zonama Sekot and any who refused to heed the call would be executed by the Galactic Alliance or the Yuuzhan Vong who answered to Nas Choka.

Though initially horrified at the concept of being placed in the care of Sekot-a planet they had spent the entire war trying to destroy-Nas Choka relented, as the Yuuzhan Vong were the defeated and had some of their rights, at least in his mind. Choka fully implemented every term vigorously. Once the Yuuzhan Vong were all on the planet, Zonama Sekot went back to the Unknown Regions, so that the Yuuzhan Vong would be spared another retaliation.

Jacen Solo's defeat of Yuuzhan Vong Onimi convinced him to embark on a galactic sojourn for five years after the war in order to expand his knowledge and experience with the Force. That, combined with his prior tutelage to Vergere, ultimately led him to Jedi Lord Kong who is on Zonama.
The Yuuzhan Vong War devastated countless worlds, leaving an estimate 365 trillion beings dead and millions of homeless refugees. Despite this, the Galaxy was more unified than it had ever been before, and was willing to work hard to repair the damage inflicted by the long and costly war.

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