Civil War II

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The aforementioned clingy device suddenly exploded, killing the Vehicon it was attached to as well as knocking away some of surrounding troopers. Any of the ones still standing instantly opened fire on the short blue bot who terminated one of their fellow Decepticons.

Upon seeing their retaliation, Bumper managed to evade their fire, open a small hidden panel on the wall next to him to reveal a single yellow button, and push the switch in question

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Upon seeing their retaliation, Bumper managed to evade their fire, open a small hidden panel on the wall next to him to reveal a single yellow button, and push the switch in question. Various openings appeared along the floor and sides then walls and half walls popped out to give the only Autobot in the room some cover. He was lucky enough that one of those mini-walls sprung up in front of him to keep him protected from the Vehicons' blaster fire.
With the room's new additions now in place, Bumper transformed his right arm into his modified Photon Burst Rifle then he leaned out from behind his protective wall and took aim at the Vehicons shooting at him. He quickly opened fire on them and managed to hit them either in the heads, shoulders, and torsos; he even got some in the sparks. This seemed to be working though every time the Autobot took down one trooper, more took its place so the blue beetle decided to change tactics a bit. His left hand quickly changed into his modified Energon Battle Pistol and he started popping up from behind his cover to fire his new weapon at the invading Decepticons while still firing his rifle. Bumper's new strategy was succeeding in turning his opposition into scrap metal twice as fast except it was bringing in twice as many more enemies.

Matters became more difficult when most of the Vehicons began advancing while the others stayed back to provide suppressive fire. Things were starting to look grim for the lone Autobot until the strangest thing began happening. Troopers were being knocked down, smacked around, and thrown to the side but if that was not enough, some had their limbs severed off and large holes burst from their torsos. It was safe to say the remaining Decepticons were panicking as they looked for the reason why their comrades fell without explanation. Their answer soon came to them in the form of a red Autobot named Red Alert suddenly appearing out of nowhere right in front of their optics; despite him being slightly taller, this newcomer had vague facial similarities to Bumper.

 Their answer soon came to them in the form of a red Autobot named Red Alert suddenly appearing out of nowhere right in front of their optics; despite him being slightly taller, this newcomer had vague facial similarities to Bumper

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 “Don't you Cons know that twins always stick together,” said Red Alert smirking.
The nearby Vehicons pointed their blasters at him then he fully extended his Energon combat arm-blades and quickly engaged his enemies by either cutting their limbs off, slashing their bodies, or taking them down with basic close quarters combat moves. Just like what Bumper experienced before, more troopers would appear every time he took down one though he was lucky his blue twin was around to shoot the troopers Treadmark did not see coming. The red Autobot noticed he was surrounded so he decided to change his combat strategy a bit by transforming his left arm into his Scatter Blaster and start filling the Decepticons with red-hot ammo. It seemed to be working and he managed to clear a path from out of the crowd; he took this opportunity to run and take cover next to his twin.
“What kept you?” Bumper angrily asked as he kept up his attack.
“I'm stealthy. That means I wait until the right opportunity comes along,” answered Treadmark as his left arm changed back to normal and his right transformed into an Energon Laser Pistol then he started shooting at the Vehicons.
“Sometimes I think you want me to become a pile of scrap metal,” grumbled the blue Autobot.
“Now why would I want that to happen?” asks the smirking stealth user.
Bumper scowled a bit before asking, “Where are Bluestreak and Bumblebee?”
“Probably at their positions just like we were,” answered his crimson-colored comrade.
“I know that but where are they? They should've been here by now,” said the blue beetle robot.
Without any warning, a Vehicon had its head shot from out of nowhere. This caused some troopers to look around for the culprit while others kept up their attack on the twin Autobots, but it did not take long for other Vehicons to fall after receiving the same kind of headshot.
“I hope this answers your question,” said a female voice on both of the twins' communication links as another Vehicon received a headshot.
The voice belonged to none other than Bluestreak, also nicknamed Silverstreak, who was the silver-colored leader of Autobot Team Omega; the Twins were also members of the aforementioned team. Their leading superior was located on a high balcony and busy sniping the Vehicons below with her deadly Nucleon Charge Rifle.

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