Secerts of the Ancients

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Elsewhere, Fett, Solo and the pair of Clone Pilots were running into... "complications."

Snapshot: "What in the blasted galaxy are these things!?"

Snapshot shot another creature as one jumped through the air towards him. It was met by on of Boba Fett's wrist rockets

Boba: "Tuk'ata. Sith hounds. They usually guard the tombs, but something has them stirred up obviously."

Popper: "How are you so calm about this!?"

Boba: "I've faced worse odds."

Han Solo bulls eyed three in a row with his DL-44.

He couldn't help but smirk.

Han Solo: "Lando, eat your heart out."

He smirked remembering a sort of competition they had with each other recently. He was however pounced upon by one of the hounds knocking his blaster from his hand.

He grabbed the beast's jaws trying to keep its teeth from sinking into his face or throat. Try as he might it only got closer until he heard the familiar sound of an EE-3 blaster go off.

The Sith Hound went limp and Solo pushed it off him grabbing his blaster next to him. Boba Fett reached out his hand to help the smuggler up

Solo: "Thanks for the assist. You saved my hide."

Fett: "You'll get my bill later. Now come on, we need to move."

The Bounty Hunter used his jetpack to rocket into the sky. From there, he could track the Tuk'ata and saw that they were finest at his 6 o'clock

Fett: "That way."

Snapshot: "Aren't the ships back that way?"

Fett: "So are the Sith Hounds."

Snapshot: "Fair point."

As a group, the four of them made a break in the direction Fett had indicated. They found themselves running alongside a tall stone wall and Solo had an idea.

Popper gave Snapshot a boost, while Han held off the Hounds. Then Fett swooped down and grabbed Han, while Snapshot helped Popper up.

The Sith Hounds, undeterred, began nipping at their heels and trying to jump up on the wall after them.

Snapshot: "Oh yeah, I'm definitely field material!"

Popper: "Keep your cool, Snap. Besides... There's a reason I was the co-pilot."

Snapshot: "Yeah. We were afraid you'd blow up the fighter if we didn't let you!"

Solo: "We need to make our way back to the others."

Fett: "Three Jedi can take care of themselves."

Solo: "Yeah, clearly you've never worked with Luke Skywalker or Delvargus Junior..."

The Jedi saw the hounds approaching not too long after.

Anakin: "I'd say it's time to to leave!"

Ahsoka: "We can't yet!"

Obi-Wan: "Our pilot, some of our troopers, and that bounty hunter are still out there!"

Qui-Gon: "We are not going to abandon our friends."

Anakin: "I-I was never suggesting that we-"

Qui-Gon: "It's alright Anakin, we never thought you were."

They could sense the turmoil in Anakin. Anakin knew that Qui-Gon could more than handle these hounds especially with Dooku and the other Jedi here, but his emotions were obviously starting to get the better of him. Qui-Gon could tell.

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