All-Out War!

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Meanwhile, the 212th Battalion had fully mobilized, ranks of their troopers and armored vehicles standing side by side in the field. Cody stood on the roof of a S.P.H.A., next to Waxer and Boil.

Waxer: Doesn't look good sir, does it?"

Waxer handed the macrobinoculars he had been using to Cody, so his Commander could see the approaching enemy forces. They looked half dead, but it didn't change the fact there was several hundred Sith warriors marching on the Republic base.

Cody: No, but we've survived worse. Fire!

The Republic canons, tanks and artillery pieces roared to life, showering the Sith ranks with explosions and fiery death. Cody watched as every single Sith warrior sidestepped, ducked and dodged his men's fire.

Cody: Oh well, worth a shot. Boil, Waxer: tell the men to get ready for some serious trouble. Have everyone stay out of arm's reach and aim around their weapons if they can. We all know what Lightsabers can do.

Waxer and Boil nodded and jumped off the S.P.H.A., sprinting to their ranks.

Waxer: I sure hope the General's plan works, whatever it is. I don't like our odds of winning this fight.

Meanwhile, three fighters raced ahead of the other Republic ships and towards the mighty Sith vessel. Two Jedi fighters and a ARC-170 dived headfirst into the ranks of enemy fighters and the anti-air fire of the cruiser itself.

The Jedi fighters, recognized for what they were, were blown to pieces. The Clone fighter almost shared their fate, but crashed into the Sith's docking bay instead of becoming a fiery ball of scrap. Two figures wearing pressure suits jumped off the sides burning ship, facing a hanger that was surely soon to be full of mind controlled Imperial soldiers.

Kenobi: I can't believe that worked!

Ahsoka: Shame we had to sacrifice our fighters and those Astromechs though.

Kenobi: Come on let's check on the crew in the star fighter. They might still be alive.

Ahsoka looked around staying alert as she stood close to the ARC-170. This place was a mess and the Darkside was strong here. Whatever was holding this ship together would have to be incredibly powerful.

Obi-Wan was helping out two surviving troopers out of the crashed star fighter. After shaking the shock off and each arming themselves with a DC-15S. The checked on the pilot who showed no signs of life, and upon further inspection he was indeed dead

Obi-Wan: I'm sorry...

Co-Pilot: It's not your fault General.

Ahsoka: What are your names?

The rear gunner was the first to speak.

Snapshot: They call me Snapshot I can shoot down just about anything. I just need to know where they are.

Kenobi: Well I certainly noticed our backs were clear when flying up here. Your handiwork?

The gunner smiled and nodded proudly. The Co-Pilot was the next to speak

Popper: They call me Popper. I... Like to blow things up... I'm really good at that.

Ahsoka: And you're a co-pilot?

Popper: Hey don't underestimate proton torpedoes. It's... Just a shame Fryer didn't make it...

Kenobi: We'll mourn him later once the mission is over.

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