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Just then a loud roar was spun hurting the Vong Warriors to the ears

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Just then a loud roar was spun hurting the Vong Warriors to the ears.

"ENOUGH!!!" The Spider-Dragoness roared before appearing from a cloudy mist.

"I'm going to end this! Stop huring my CHILDREN!!!" Huntress stated firmly as the colorful Infinity Stones swirled around her like a hurricane.


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Elsewhere. . .

In response to their duplicity surrounding Fondor,Yuuzhan Vong warrior and warmaster Choka
moved swiftly to exact revenge on the Hutts, thereby diverting criticism of him for the heavy casualties under his command. Choka's fleet arrayed itself over Nal Hutta, and initiated a blockade of the Hutt capital, along with the Smugglers' Moon, Nar Shaddaa. The system was placed under a state of siege-the Hutts could rely on no New Republic aid after their double-dealing, and were soon mired in fighting of a scale unseen since the war with Xim or the Hutt Cataclysms.

Meanwhile, Borga the Hutt attempted to open negotiations with Vong Warmaster Lah in order to win some conscessionas while it was still possible. The Hutt asked for Tatooine to remain in the hands of the Hutts, but ultimately trade talks failed, and the Hutts prosecuted a fierce resistance campaign against their onetime allies. The Yuuzhan Vong also took the planet Ylesia, once a major Besadii holding and, having killed the Hutt administrator and accepted the government's capitulation, grew yammosks in its oceans and allowed the Peace Brigade to use the planet as their headquarters. The world became a police state.

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