Secrets of the Ancients

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Back in the cargo hold...

Objects that weren't fastened down were floating, as was Rey who was floating mere inches off the cot she had been laid on.

Ahsoka: "Master? What's going on?"

Obi-Wan had his hand on her head trying to concentrate.

Obi-Wan: "She is in a trance of some sort. I... Wait. I think see someth-"

Obi-Wan was blasted against the wall and pinned there as was Ahsoka and all the loose objects. They struggled, but to no avail.

This shook the ship a bit

Han Solo: What the-?"

This broke Dooku's meditation. He sensed a great darkness. Getting up quickly and rushing to the cargo hold he found the Jedi and many of the objects being crushed against the wall.

Boba was not far behind, looking inside.

Boba Fett: "What in the galaxy is going on in there!?"

He was about to go in and try to do something when The Count held out an arm stopping him.

Count Dooku: "No. If you go in there you'll just end up like them."

Boba Fett: "And what? You won't!?"

Count Dooku: "I can, but it won't be easy. If this keeps up she'll rip this entire ship apart! I need to calm her, and that will require a lot of concentration on my part. If something goes wrong pull me out with your grapple."

Boba nodded in agreement, and Dooku stepped into the room.

It was like being plunged into ice water, at first. His entire body froze, like a night-time storm on Ilum.

But then, it was like the ice was broken. By a hurricane, which beard down on the Count with a vengeance. Every fiber of his being moaned in protest as it felt like a dozen Jedi were Force pushing him at once.

This was nothing compared to the visions and images flashing through his mind. Horrifying scenes of dead friends, sith abominations and planets devoured by darkness.

Dooku: "Oh... dear."

All these sensations had passed in a second. Now, the Count fought back, resisted. Not for nothing had he been considered one of the greatest members of both sides of the Jedi/Sith conflict.

He reached out and pushed back against whatever it was that was attacking him. He had to be careful and do this slowly, or he might hurt the girl.

Slowly, the Count was able to move forwards, step by step, hand outstretched and eyes closed. It was like being on a gas giant, with the gravity of an entire world pressing down on him.

As he got closer to Rey, the images started again, more intense this time. Dooku tried to meditate, to dispel them, but they were etching themselves onto the surface of his mind).

Boba: "Come on Count..."

Han Solo: (Over Comm)"Hey, someone needs to do something down there, or we're all getting spaced!"

With a final push, Dooku reached the girl. A simple touch to her forehead and a forceful command to "Wake up!" and the attack stopped.

Obi-wan and Ahsoka were released. The ship stopped shaking. Objects all came clattering down to the floor. And the attacking force passed out through the Count.

With a shout, he collapsed to his knees, heart pounding and sweat dripping).

Dooku was a bit disoriented just sitting there for a moment. A hand was then reached out in front of him offering assistance.

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