Civil War II

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Starscream's efforts did not go unnoticed by the Autobots inside the command center at their own base

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Starscream's efforts did not go unnoticed by the Autobots inside the command center at their own base.

"Sir, we just lost our northern AA gun!" announced an Autobot soldier.

"Divert all remaining power from the destroyed guns to the last two. Concentrate all fire on the airships," ordered Optimus Prime.

His order was carried out without hesitation then the alarms started blaring louder while most of the monitors began blinking red.

"What is wrong?" asked the Prime.

"It's our shield generators, sir. They're failing, our overshield is losing power and fast," answered another soldier.

This news only meant one thing to Optimus Prime - the Decepticons were about to make their final assault.

Unfortunately for the Autobots, Starscream noticed the base's shield beginning to fade.

"Their defenses are almost demolished! Decepticons, press your attack!" ordered the Decepticons' commander.

The troops did exactly that; they unleashed a flurry of lasers, rockets, missiles, bombs, bullets, and much more. It did not take long for them to complete their goal as they saw the Energon overshield dissolve.

"Our shield is gone, what now sir?" asked soldier.

The atmosphere in the command center was grim though Optimus Prime just stood tall then held out his left hand as the bottom of his forearm opened up. A small rod quickly popped out and he quickly caught it in mid-air; the cylinder began changing shape until it took the form of a halberd with an Energon axe head at the tip and a blade at the bottom.

"Redirect all remaining power to the interior defenses then prepare to make your stand," announced the Prime in a strong voice.

One soldier did just that then they all began pulling out weapons like blasters and swords as they stood up and readied for the enemy to attack.

Optimus brought his right index finger to the corresponding side of his head and spoke aloud.

"Elita, have your team ready. We are about to receive company," he said.

"Yes sir," said a feminine voice before he ended the transmission.

"Decepticons, erase the Autobots from existence!" commanded Starscream as he began flying straight at the base's control center. He even fired a small barrage of rockets at the window in order to eliminate any immediate resistance from the Autobots.

Optimus saw this and shouted, "Incoming!"

The projectiles hit and created a fiery explosion though most of the soldiers were able to escape from it. A few Vehicon jets flew inside and transformed into their robot modes then they quickly became entangled in fights against their Autobot adversaries. It did not take long for Starscream to fly onto the scene and revert to his true form; his burning red optics instantly locked onto Ultronus Prime.

"Optimus Prime, prepare to feel the wrath of Starscream," said the commander as his left arm transformed into a titanium-bladed chainsaw.

"It is not your wrath I am afraid to face," replied the Prime.

Starscream felt nothing but rage from those words as he gave off a battle cry and charged forth with his saw roaring equally loud. He raised his weapon and quickly swung it down upon reaching his opponent who managed to use the staff of his halberd to keep the deadly rotary blade at bay. Optimus Prime brought one of his legs up and kicked the Decepticon commander away onto the ground then gave off a yell as he swung his axe head downwards.

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