All-Out War!

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"Our time has come."

The Neti Jedi Master T'ra Saa knelt before Arcann's Throne, chained down and flanked on either side by leagues of Zakuul Knights.

"For years, we prepared."

From the nearby royal court, Vaylin watched with a smug smirk, paying no attention to the Devaronian criminal and his two "slaves" watching with equal interest behind her.

"We grew stronger."

Even the children of the Eternal Emperor himself were incapable of sensing four more visitors, hiding in the shadows and watching the proceedings.

"While you rested in your cradle of power, believing our people were weak... and frightened."

Four Lightsaber hilts were quietly drawn and held tightly as Arcann pronounced his sentence and Vaylin stepped forwards to carry it out.

"You thought your Empire untouchable-but you were deceived, your own powers of the dark side have blinded you."

The Knights of Zakuul never sensed a thing, but the Emperor and his sister did: they ignited their own weapons and released their powerful Dark Side attacks as Tholme, Ventress, An'ya Kuro aka The Dark Woman and Quinlan Vos leapt from the shadows, with war cries and swinging Lightsabers.

"You assumed no force could challenge you...and now...finally...we have returned."

Vilmarh and Khaleen drew their blasters and fired on the unprepared Zakuul Knights, while Aayla ignited both her hidden Lightsabers and leapt at them. T'ra Saa shattered her bonds, joining the fight in a furious Force duel with Vaylin.

"You were deceived."

One Knight managed to break away from the fight, running to the throne room door and pushing it open, hoping to see a army of Eternal Empire reinforcements. Instead, he found Kit Fisto and a legion of Old Republic Jedi Knights charging through the defenses and towards the Throne Room. The Knight slams the door shut and runs.

"And now, your Empire shall fall."

One short, violent battle later, a thoroughly exhausted Arcann, battered and bruised, nursing countless fresh wounds and missing his cybernetic arm, knelt before a victorious Quinlan Vos.

Rey tossed and turned in her bunk. She was aboard the Millennium Falcon, on her way to Ilum to be officially knighted and made a proper member of the Order. Han had agreed to fly her there, having grown quite fond of the young Jedi, and Boba Fett was tagging along as well, for reasons he was apparently uninterested in explaining to the others. It was night but, despite the relative comfort of the Falcon's bunk, Rey was sleeping fitfully.

She was having a very vivid dream, three disembodied voices arguing in a featureless void. Two of them, one of pure light and one pure darkness, were almost at each other's throats, while a third, shadowy figure placed himself between them.

*You have gone back on our agreement! You promised the Galaxy would be balanced!*

_I am sorry brother, but you knew as well as I that our followers would still fight one another. You're just disappointed yours keep losing._

*Ridiculous! You and our scheming father, you're conspiring to rid this Galaxy of me once and for all! I won't stand for it!*

"Son, we have allowed you twice as many factions as the Daughter. We are not to blame for their inability in combat. Perhaps if you would stop starting wars you can't win..."

*War is natural for the dark! War, chaos and flame, that's what I was promised!*

_And it's what you have received! Are you blind brother? The Galaxy is filled with more death and war than it ever has before. Your Empires may fall, but the scars they're leaving..._

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