Secrets of the Ancients

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Meanwhile the Consular-class cruiser had entered the atmosphere of Korriban.

Rex: "General, how we will know we're heading in the right direction?"

Anakin: "I think I've got a solution to that."

Anakin went up to the cockpit of the ship.

Anakin: "Pilot. If I may?"

The clone nodded and gave control to his general.

Kix: "Well this should be interesting."

Anakin closed his eyes opening himself up to The Force.

Rex: "General, if you don't mind me asking, what are you doing?"

Anakin: "This planet is one of darkness. I'm just looking for the light."

Anakin after a few moments turned the ship around following his instincts.

Meanwhile on the Falcon. . .

Rey: "I'm alright Chewbaca..."

Chewie growled questioningly.

Rey: "I'm... Really not sure. Luke... My Luke said I have a lot of raw power. He always said there was something familiar about me, but could never place it. Like... He'd met me before or something."

Chewie asked something else

Rey: "Oh, my Luke? He is... Well... He is not bad, but... Losing his temple like that after his nephew betrayed him. It weighs heavy on him still and I can tell. I think he is afraid of failing me like he thinks he did to his other students. That island where I found him, turns out it was an old Jedi Temple. He wanted to back out into the galaxy sooner, but... Something told him to stay. To wait for someone."

Chewie growled questioningly once more.

Rey: "Me?"

She chuckled a bit.

Rey: "Or at least so it would seem. Come to think of it now after everything that happened, my guess it would be The Ones that told him to stay."

Chewie tilted his head.

Rey: "Oh right. Long story, but the short version is well... They're living embodiments of The Force... Or at least I think they are. That's not the strangest part though."

She glanced at the lightsaber she held. The crystal within sang to her in a rhythm that seemed to flow naturally in a way as if it were her's, unlike other lightsabers she had picked up. She knew she had a connection to Anakin, but nobody seemed to know what it was, herself and Anakin included.

A ship proximity alert went off, and Chewie rushed to see what it was. Another ship was landing close by.

Chewie related this news back to Rey with a quick series of sharp growls and barks.

Rey: "Here? Why would anyone come here?"

Rey briefly wondered, as she ran up to stand next to Chewie , if she would be feeling this awful if they were on a different world. Probably, but still, Korriban couldn't be helping her headache.

Rey: "That's a Republic vessel. And they have a Jedi aboard."

Chewie's growl was low and cautious.

Rey: "Trust me. This place is like... a blanket of darkness. Any Jedi stands out like a beacon. I can still almost see the others, even."

She grabbed a blaster anyways and made sure her Lightsaber was ready to be drawn at a moment's notice.

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