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Darth Vader followed the trail of the stolen Imperial shuttle. He knew the shuttle wouldn't get far because it wasn't given a lot fuel. They only intended to use it to transport Kylo Ren to the Star Destroyer. The trail lead Vader to Ilum , and from what he could tell he was the edge of Old Republic territory.

He set down close to a hidden Jedi Temple. Upon inspecting the shuttle, Vader found he was correct, the shuttle was out of fuel. He then ventured inside the Temple, and found it to be very similar to one he went to when he was Anakin Skywalker. It was then he noticed the first signs that his supposed grandson was here. There were apparently many Temple Guards here, and upon further inspection Vader found their necks were snapped. Kylo had apparently gone even further into Temple after killing the guards into the cave where Jedi Initiates would find their Kyber crystals. So Vader went into the caves as well. His breathing echoing in the cave as he walked through.

Kylo heard him, but only ran deeper into the Temple. Vader had made it clear he was uninterested in her, and what she had to offer: whoever was chasing him, he wasn't really in the mood to meet them. He had no idea where he was going, he just knew he needed to get away.

The icy tunnel he was fleeing down suddenly opened into a large crystal cavern, a beautiful sight, even to the grim Dark sider. A huge frozen waterfall on the far side of the room caught his attention, the gleaming blue, greens and purples shining beneath it's surface glittering like the stars in the skies. He ran towards it, all too aware of the heavy footsteps above him, the sound of his grandfather marching through the caves after him.

A twinge of foresight saved Kylo's life: being a Dark Sider, she was at an extreme disadvantage on the highly Light Side world, but her natural talent with the Force was still enough he could sense the blade flying at the back of his neck.

He leaped in the air, landing gracefully on the base of the waterfall and whipping around, drawing one of the golden blades he had taken from a fallen Guard. Three more Temple Guards, apparently waiting to ambush their mysterious attacker, brandished their own weapons and charged him.

He didn't have time for this!

Kylo's eyes glowed yellow going into a frenzy of attacks so fast the Temple Guards were forced on defense. Her attacks got faster and faster, until eventually one of the Temple Guards fell, then another. She started to pound away at the last one getting so absorbed in what she was doing that he forgot Vader was after him.

She was delighting in the fear he sensed from the remaining Temple Guard when the Guard was pulled back by the Force and on to a crimson red blade. Vader had caught up to him. Vader deactivated his blade letting the dead Jedi fall to the floor.

Kylo stumbled back, the yellow in her eyes gone as fear took hold of him for a moment

Vader: You're coming with me.

Kylo: H-how is this possible? How can you be Darth Vader? Everything happening is wrong! It wasn't supposed to be like this!

Anger taking hold of Kylo seeing this as yet another figure shee looked up to rejecting was about to charge forward when Vader blasted him with the Force pinning him against the wall.

Kylo growled trying her best to get loose but couldn't.

Jerec: Abandoning your fleet and your mission to go on your own unapproved mission?

Vader turned around while still pinning Kylo against the wall to see Jerec and two other Inquisitors.

Vader: Why are you here? How did you find me?

Jerec: I had agents within your fleet that told me you had left to go on your own personal quest. I followed both the hyperspace trails here. Don't worry The Emperor doesn't know... Yet.

Convergence Infinites: Mobius BeyondWhere stories live. Discover now