Set of Living

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Sonic was dropped by the giant purple dragon to somewhere familiar

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Sonic was dropped by the giant purple dragon to somewhere familiar.

Sonic: Holy Mobius!

Just then was heard on his front door and once the Blue Blur opened it two faces appeared which made him smile

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Just then was heard on his front door and once the Blue Blur opened it two faces appeared which made him smile.

Just then was heard on his front door and once the Blue Blur opened it two faces appeared which made him smile

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Elsewhere. . .

In another Universe

Above Endor on the second Death Star.

Emperor: Skywalker was on the shuttle Lord Vader?

Vader:  Yes master.

Emperor: Good... You will bring him here, and ensure his fall to the-

Sidious was interrupted by an officer

Commander: "My Lord... There is... Some... One... to see... you."

There was something wrong, the Emperor gave very strict orders not to be interrupted or bothered for any reason, and he knew this officer wasn't stupid enough to break that order. And the way he swayed when he stood, it was like he was under some kind of hypnosis.

Vader stood realizing something was off as well, and a voice came from behind the officer.

???: "Thank you Commander, but your services are no longer required."

Just then the officer's neck snapped. Palpatine recognized the voice all too well.

Emperor: Darth Plagueis... You survived...

Darth Plagueis: Hello Sidious... Still as ambitious and over confident as the last time I saw you I see.

Emperor: How did you survive your injuries?

Darth Plagueis: "When I told you I had lost my ability to manipulate life, I lied."

He pulled his hood back to reveal his deformed face.

Emperor: Why are you here Plagueis? Revenge?

Darth Plagueis: No... I've come here for my son.

Emperor: Your son?

Darth Sidious was confused, he was not aware his master had any children.

Emperor: Why would I know anything about your children?

Darth Plagueis: Oh you know him very well...

Darth Plagueis' gaze shifted to Vader, and Sidious and Vader then put two and two together.

Emperor: "Vader? Darth Vader is your son!?!"

Vader although he looked composed his mind was racing unsure of whether Darth Plagueis was telling the truth or not.

Darth Plagueis: Yes... Son join me... Together we can rule the galaxy, and we can train your son. He could become more powerful than anyone in the galaxy!

Sidious was furious and Vader was unsure what to think.

Emperor: Enough of this! I'm going to make sure you die this time!

Sidious shot the most powerful Force Lightning he could muster at his old master, and Plagueis deflected it with his hands and started to push it back, but only got so far. They were too evenly matched.

Darth Plagueis: "Son... Help me... I cannot do this alone..."

Emperor: Lord Vader if you help him I'll kill you myself!

Darth Plagueis: Think about your son! Sidious would cast you aside and have him as your replacement!

Emperor: Such is the way of the Sith! Vader knows this all too well!

Darth Vader had never seen Sidious this strained before, but neither were letting up.

Darth Plagueis: Vader... Your son needs your guidance. And I can teach you things Palpatine couldn't!

Vader sat at a crossroads. On one was the cruel emperor he knew, that had led him down this path, and the other if he was telling the truth, was his father who could teach him the of the power that Darth Sidious couldn't, and could also possibly be a bridge that would let him have a relationship with his own son and teach him in the ways of the Force.

Emperor: Vader strike him down!

Darth Plagueis: Son! Together we can overthrow him!

It was then after a few moments Vader made his choice.

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