Setteling Threats

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The Sinistar, over Zakull's orbit

The Sinistar, over Zakull's orbit

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Main Hold

Main Hold

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Joseph, Anastasia, and Amras over looking below at trillions ofCloning tanks which are used by cloners to develop and provide life support to clones

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Joseph, Anastasia, and Amras over looking below at trillions of
Cloning tanks which are used by cloners to develop and provide life support to clones. Clones were stored in cloning tanks until they reached the desired state of development. Growth jars were a type of cloning tank.

In order to create a clone, samples of genetic code had to be drawn from a subject's cells, duplicated and implanted into donor cells. These donor cells would then grow, divide and, eventually gestate in artificial wombs, filled with nutrients and organic catalysts. Altering the nutrients and catalyst solutions that the cells received could influence the physical attributes and maturation rates of the resulting clone. The most aggressive mixtures of nutrients and catalyst solutions produced fully formed adult clones in several weeks, but forced growth acceleration often led to mental instability in the clone. Some cloners, however, discovered methods to avoid this phenomenon. The genetic material donor was generally referred to as a prime clone. Using the subject's template, it was possible through many different techniques to create exact physical replicas. This process was not only capable of producing a single copy, but also multiple versions of the original subject. Furthermore, genetic engineering could further modify the clone to augment or subdue specific traits.

Although mass cloning was considered useful because of its military applications, individual clones generally lacked the personality of the original.As such, they often needed to be educated during the process of their development.

Due to the fact that growth environment was a highly influential factor, a clone could develop characteristics and identities distinct from its donor's, even if it was a genetically identical copy. A long standing debate over cloning and flash memory was whether a clone retained the thoughts and memories of its progenitor. Some believed that clones were identical to the original in every way, while others argued that clones were unique through their individual experiences.

Some cultures fully embraced the possibilities of cloning, most notably the people of Khomm who abandoned natural reproduction in favor of becoming a clone society.

Anastasia, standing in the middle of the Main Hold holding Joseph's hand on her left and her husband Amras hand on her right. She also, through the Force carried an Orb that the Eternals used for their Habitats/Outposts.

The Orb began to vibrate and Anastasia, in a respectful but believed tone summoned a Valar. "I call upon Namo of the Powers of Arda. I am need of your assistance.

Then, the Orb began to vibrate more and more and then.... It broke. At that moment, Namo instantly appeared to Joseph, Anastasia, and Amras floating tall and firm with his arms crossed and all three heroes kneeled in respect to the Valar. Mandos is an Ainu, one of the Aratar, and a Vala who was responsible for the judgement of the Spirits of all Elven dead. He also had responsibility for pronouncing the dooms and judgments of Eru Ilúvatar under Manwë. His real name was Námo, but was later known to the Elves as Mandos after his sacred Halls of Mandos, over which he presided, and where Elves would go when slain. Mandos is the sixth greatest of the Lords of the Valar, and the fifth greatest Aratar.

"Greetings Empress, General, and Warrior. Why have you requested my presence in this time of great conflict?"
Namo asked to Anastasia specifically, he seemed to be a dark figure with a loud voice, solemn and terrible. Namo is known for being stern, dispassionate and never forgetting a thing.

Anastasia: We sought an audience with you to revive a legendary Order that has been taken by the forces of Darkness.

Namo then had a quick moment of thought and made his decision. "These. . . Eternals--They are a true example of balance in the Omniverse. Their presence, as well as N.A.T.Os is needed for stabilization and order. Very well."

Namo disappeared and when Joseph, Anastasia, and Amras stood back up and turned around they noticed trillions of Eternals. Joseph looked at his Chrono and noticed Zoanma, Tython, Odessen, Ossus, and Yavin Four were back on the map.

Joseph: Where's Lord Kong?

Anastasia closed her eyes to sense him through their Force Bond. "I--can't feel him."

Sinistar Hanger

Delvargus, walking stealthy through the Force as Theia, a few Niphal, Bina, Vania, and Lila clones in their humanoid and griffin forms passed right by them and took a Jedi Starfighter that he hadn't used in a while boarded and took off.

When Joseph, Anastasia, and Amras arrived in the hanger due to an alert by Nicole telling about an unannounced take off Dj was already gone.

Joseph turned around and saw on the clean, hard floor Dj's broken Force Focusing visor Shade.

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