I've a feeling we'll get our happy ending

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Adam's: POV

June 11th 2024: New York

I was sitting at the table and ate my breakfast. Luna ran up to me and hugged my leg. I picked her up and she smiled happily. Two years ago, I suffered from postpartum depression. Now I love Luna with all my heart.


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"Daddy." said Luna. "Yes honey?" I asked. "I love you." she said. "I love you too." I replied with a smile on my face. Emily came and she was holding her niece in her arms. Emily sat down at the table and started eating her breakfast.


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Jack yawned sleepy and he was close to fell off the chair. "I've never seen you so tired before." I said worried. "I had a nightmare last night." he replied. Julian hugged his hand. "Scott is sitting behind bars, you've nothing to worry about." I replied calmly. "No one hurt my daddy." said Miracle angrily. "My tough girl." replied Jack and kissed the top of her head. I know he's suffering from Stockholm syndrome

"What's the plans for today?" asked Oliver. "We'll visit Danielle." said Julian. "Can I come too?" asked Luna. "Of course." he said. "She'll be very happy to see you." I replied. "I've missed Noah so much." she said. "Me too." replied Jack. "Be careful, don't talk to strangers on the way." said Oliver strictly. "We promise papa, the girls are safe with us." replied Jack.


I stood by the window and looked at the clear blue sky. The birds chirped happily in the air and the leaves on the trees shone green. My husband wrapping his arms around me and I had a happy smile on my face. He kissed my cheek and I gave him a kiss back.

"What are you thinking about?" asked Oliver. "Everything that has happened." I said. "I've a feeling we'll get our happy ending." he replied. "I hope we can live a normal life now." I said. "I don't mind." replied Oliver.

Adam's family deserves nothing, but love and happiness.

I hope you liked the chapter.


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