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Hayley's POV

"You're late."
I said as he came out of the elevator door. Today is twins birthday. My twins, Alison and Alice and they have requested us that we will watch the movie of their choice in cinema.

We were in the grand mall, at its top floor, cinema floor.

"I'm really sorry."
He said holding his ears and I sighed. He stood in front of me and started doing sit ups.

"What are you doing?"
I held him stopping him. And whole crowd awed us.

"You're crazy, Ian."
I chuckled. I call him Ian, short of Adrian.

"Let's go now."
I said holding his hand when he held my wrist.

He calls me angel, cause he believes that I entered his life like an angel. And I don't mind, I love that nick name.

He bent down and then I saw my sandals was not clipped. How clumsy I am? He started clipping my sandals as it all felt like second time.

He looked up.
"It all looks like the day I met you."
I smiled.

"Thank you for coming in my life."
He stood up and pecked my lips. His gaze went to my collar. He took away the strand pushing it behind my shoulder. He caressed the mark.

The mark that he gave me. Don't know what to name this mark, Anger mark, torture mark or Love mark.

Soon I saw guilt in his eyes looking at that healed yet little wounded mark.

I held his face and made him look into my eyes.

"Don't feel guilty Ian. I love this mark."

"But I regret... In past I did that... It was me... And it's my nightmare."

"But I love this mark... Its you in this mark... I had decided that I would also get your name tattooed but before that you gave me this beautiful tattoo... Your name... IAN. By doing that you claim me and nothing else."

He sighed heavily and leaned his head on my shoulder kissing that Mark.

"I am sorry."

"Please don't be."

I said caressing his back head while he kissed that mark near my collar bone. It's a mark written IAN by him only. And he still regrets about that incident.

He pulled back and I smiled at him.
"Mom Dad, Hurry up!"
I heard my twins, 13 years old girls, identical twins. They were holding tray of popcorn and cokes. Alice is 4 minutes older than Alison.
"Movie has started."

I held his hand and covered my exposed shoulder with my hair again. I went to twins and we settled on the seats.
Adrian sat by my side and Alison on my right. Alice beside her.

My life has been a roller coaster. So much pain and so much pleasure. So much tears and so many smiles. So much of loss and so much gain.
So much of his and so much of mine.

After all these, here we are a small happy cozy family, living in Boston. A place where we reunited, a place where everything got better. Where everything felt better.

I have my husband, my twins, Alice and Alison, my 5 year old boy, Jeremy. He has went to a picnic organized by his school. I have my own company of fashion, and I'm it's chairwoman. It was my self built company and I have appointed a CEO who manages all work really well. Adrian is an owner of Royal hotels which has its branch all over America and today he was late because a celebrity has came to book a room in the Royal hotel and he needed to welcome him.

On the Negative Side ~payalgupta3012Where stories live. Discover now