Part 53 : Vengeance Again

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Author's POV

Adrian was too shock to even react... He stared at her belly. He looked at Stefan who was on stairs.

Stefan sighed knowing he has to tell the truth. He nodded slightly and gun fell off Adrian's hand.

He again stared at her belly, where his seed will be going to grow into a beautiful plant.

He kneeled down in front of her... And his fingers grazed on her thin abdomen.

It was second time he was on knees in front of her. But not only for her... He was on knees for her and their creation.

He looked above at her brown orbs.
"M-my child?"
He asked.

She smiled and nodded.

He held her side belly with both of his hands and kissed her lower abdomen closing his eyes, while his closed eyes shed a lone tear.

He kept his head on her belly and hugged her waist as tightly and firmly as he could.

Hayley's eyes also shed a tear when he landed his lips on her lower abdomen. She wrapped her arms around his head and hugged him securely.

She exhaled, Her breath shaking. She looked at her dad and then at Emerson.

Emerson looked down and his eyes carried tears. Her eyes soften cause she knew she broke his heart unwillingly. She again looked at her dad and found him staring at her belly too.

It was too much to digest the fact that his daughter is pregnant with his enemy's child. But nothing mattered to him if his daughter is happy and safe.
He knew that she was happy but he needed to assure that she was safe as well...

And somewhere his heart started believing in Adrian caused the moment when Hayley came into the hall, he was able to see hurt and care, love and affection for his daughter in his eyes. But he need to make it sure that Adrian really love and care for her.

She called softly.

"Why all of this had to be turn out like this?"
Arthur looked at her teary and red eyes. He felt like someone stabbed his heart when he witnessed tear in her eyes.

"You and your friend, Edward Harper had decided that if it's daughter from you then you both will get your children married to each other... Means Adrian and I were destined by you both since 90's... Everything was good, but why this bloody vengeance took all happiness from us?"

She felt Adrian clutching her waist cloth more tightly, as she dug her fingers deeper into his scalps.

"Just imagine if nothing like this would have ever happened, how happy we would have been...

If it was you who has stopped himself from killing Adrian's parents... It would have ended there only...

Maybe you both may remain enemies but not in hunger of each other's blood. Or if it was Adrian's dad who have taken care of mom... Then nothing like this would have ever happened."

Arthur looked down realising his mistake.

"If I have not taken up the mission to honey trap Adrian or he and Marshall didn't have the life time mission of torturing your child then everything would have been great...

Just because of stupid vengeance Adrian decided to be a mafia, a very negative role in life...

And I taking up the mission to honey trap him was my big mistake...

On the Negative Side ~payalgupta3012Where stories live. Discover now