Part 29 : All of Me

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Adrian's POV

"Finally, this bastard is dead..."
I said staring at my dead prey, blood oozed out from his head and leg.

"Because of this mission. I couldn't catch up with Hayley past few days... Finally I will cuddle her, fully relaxed."

"Means seriously Adrian... As the mission ended, the first thought that came into your mind was Hayley."

"Not after mission end... I was missing her every second. And she is my strength."

"She is being your weakness. I tell you."

"Not gonna happen."
I said and threw the gun at Joseph. As he caught it.

"He is too much in love... Mafia in love... Woah!"
Joseph said and I smirked going towards washroom of torture building. I'll first bathe because my shirt was full in blood.

Hayley's POV

I am wearing a robe on my red lingerie waiting for Adrian to return back home... I have been ready for him since 9 PM... But its 1AM now. I called him too but he isn't taking my call...

Why it hurts knowing, he is going far from me? He is just my mission? I have to stop my feelings to grow.

Next one hour went waiting for him and I finally gave up standing and going to washroom to change into normal dress.

I came out wearing a Grey one-side off shoulder loose top and white short pants.

I came out wearing a Grey one-side off shoulder loose top and white short pants

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I covered myself with blanket as I increased the temperature of the room. I sighed scrolling through phone in intervals calling him continuously.
It was Dad's call this late. I picked up the call asap.

"Yes dad."

"Why are you awake yet?"

"I was waiting for Adrian... He must be coming soon. Why did you called this hour?"

I said as I got up from bed and went near the giant window as I mummered in call so that by chance no one listen us.

"That man, whom you caught yesterday night... He died... Couldn't suffer the pain of one bullet in his arm... I called this late because, I wanted to know what to do with this dead body, cause he is really stinky and he is your prey so I won't make a decision."

"Dad, you're lying... You wanted to talk to me, right?"

"Ugh, you caught me."
I chuckled.

"But that man is really dead now and it was an excuse to call you... Sorry for disturbing you this late... I didn't expected you would pick up the call, I was shocked when you did."

On the Negative Side ~payalgupta3012Where stories live. Discover now