Part 61 : Separated

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Adrian's POV

Morning 3:40AM it was and here I'm at airport. Just to have a last glimpse of her.

I saw a car stopping along with other cars too, from which Hayley came out in her simple white shirt, and black coat and loose trousers. She had a ponytail and carried a small bag on her shoulder.

Behind Daniel and Lily got out, along with Samuel and Stefan. Behind them another bike came on which there were April and Emma. Samuel, Stefan and Daniel helped with the luggages as Hayley went to the reception.

I just stared at them from out and when they went in, I got off the car.

I was about to wear my mask when I felt a touch on my shoulder.

"Adrian, you here?"
It was Stella.

"I didn't expect you."

"Well I didn't expect me here myself."

"Came to see her?"
I looked at her and then nodded slightly.

"Why are you pushing her away?"

"Because I hate her."

"Oh c'mon... Hayley may believe these words from you but I won't... Why are you pushing her away?"

"Because she will be safe if she is not with me... Its for her and our child safety. It's for Daniel and Lily... As long as they stay away from me they are safe."

"At least tell her this."

"So that she has hope that one day I'll return... I don't want her to wait for me... Ray is after me and Hayley and once he finds out that she is alive and not dead, he will try to kill her... Secondly if she stays close to me she will be in danger....

I don't know how many years it will take for me to kill Ray... I just don't want her to stay holding onto me... If she keeps our child safe, I don't ask her for anything.

And if I have told her the truth, Will she have left me? She wouldn't have, causing danger to herself, to our child. I know her."

"You'll let her go?"
She asked calmly.

I sighed.
"If that takes to keep Hayley and our child safe, to keep Daniel and Lily safe... Then yes... I'll let her go."

"At least say her good bye."

"I just came to look at her for the last time. From far... But please Stella, don't tell this to her, not to anyone, whatever I told you right now is between you and me, not even Marshall or Joseph..."


"You have swear on my and Hayley's baby."
She stared at me and with a sigh of defeat she nodded.

"Fine... But one day, it will be you, telling her all your sorry and apologies to her, yourself... You, yourself will tell her that why you pushed her away..."
I stared into her eyes as she spoke those words.

"Cause I know your heart, can't stay much longer without her presence."

"That would never happen."
She just smiled.

"I hope that does. No matter how much hard you try to make her hate you... I know and I believe, she will never ever hate you. She'll prefer dying rather than living hating you."

She said and then passed me going inside the airport through the main entrance. I wore the mask avoiding any thoughts to invade my mind and entered that airport.

On the Negative Side ~payalgupta3012Where stories live. Discover now