Part 2 : New Scott

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Hayley's POV


Samuel William was my first boyfriend but he cannot be considered as my first love. In London, At college of accountants and business, we met.

Back then he was 20 and I was 19 y/o. He was crush of whole college and I was also like him, having many fans who admires me.

Some even had bad eyes on me but they can't do anything. I had a strong aura because of my dad habits in me.

Our mates and friends started shipping us as we were on hot topics of the college. Even we take a single glance at each other they would ship us, a single touch would make them shipping us.

A large Gossip of us was spread over the college when I slipped on stairs and he caught me and we literally rolled down, at end, me on top of him. Body all collided up.

That time I notice his facial features clearly and so closely. He was totally a boyfriend material but I never felt loving him.

And his eyes, It showed how much love he carries for me. He was in love with me from start.

Days passed by, friends shipping turned into real as our friendship turned into relationship when he proposed me on my birthday.

Now I also wanted to feel everything a couple feels. Those romantic, lovely and pleasurable feelings. So I accepted his proposal.

Many times he said he loved me and he even showered me with his pure and unconditional love but I didn't loved him, neither told him that I love him.

He waited for me patiently. Though we had everything a couple does... Kiss, dates, days and nights together... And everything. He became my first in all those foreign feelings.

Accepting his proposal was a mistake of my life. It didn't caused anything to me but to him... Though I didn't love him but I like him, atleast as a friend. I care for him. And I realised it late that his feelings are getting deeper and deeper for me.

He was ready to quit the world for me. It was sure that we can't be together no matter what. Because what I desire to be can have his life in danger. And also I don't love him and if not possible in 2 years of relationship, what's the guarantee of the future?

I have to break up with him. Being a Mafia and putting his life in danger, I can't. So I broke up, which hurted him and I also cried. Not because of my heart broke because of separation but because he cried and begged me not to leave him.

But it's good for him. He has to move on from me. I was scared that he won't do anything stupid so I was with him for whole night. He got drunk and kept begging me, at the end he slept with stone heart.

We continued our college and Samuel didn't stopped chasing me. He always tried to talk to me on the same topic. I was feeling bad for him but I know I have to break up, it's good if I do as early as possible. If I didn't he will be more broken in future.

I dropped from college and left London and came to my hometown, New York . I lived with my friends. And one of my friend of London informed me that Samuel is doing fine now. It relived me. Then I went to my dad and to my aim to become like him.

Flashback ends

He flashed me his bright smile and I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked at side and saw Dad giving me and assuring smile.

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