Part 62 : One More Time

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Hayley's POV

Time is really a great dealer... It adds on some happiness taking away some pain but never ever faints the memory.

I stared at the black dark clouds outside the house. It looked like it is going to rain cats and dogs. It was 4PM.

I looked at my 9 months womb... It was the time... I may get my water broke and delivery time now any time very soon.

The door opened and Daniel entered . Lily brought me some healthy juice.

"You came?"

"Yeah... I need your signature in this paper as a Guardian."
He said and forwarded me the paper.

I kept the magazine aside and sat straight slowly and took the paper from his hand.

My brows furrowed looking at the documents.

"What is this?"

"Documents to change my surname from Harper to Scott."

"Have you gone crazy? I won't do it."

"You have to... My admission at the directory institutions will only happen if I register it tomorrow. Tomorrow is the deadline."

"Do it with Harper. No need to change."

"No. I hate the Harper surname... I hate it because this surname reminds me of a killer. And If I don't do it now then for the whole life, my name will be Harper and I won't be able to change into Scott ever."

"You don't need to change."

"I can't live with a surname of a killer... I hate my brother... I hate him and I won't have his name joint with mine... I loathe hi-"
I slapped his cheek before he could complete his sentence.

"Think before you speak Daniel. He is your big brother. You should not hate him."
Lily stood beside.

It was the first time I slapped him.

"And why shouldn't I hate a killer?"
He asked in loud voice.
"Why shouldn't I hate him, who killed your dad, your friend, my brother?"

"Daniel, he didn't killed any of them."

"Why on the earth you are taking his side?"

"Marshall is ALIVE!"
I shouted and his eyes widened.

"He is not dead."

"What do you mean?"

"I never wanted to tell you... But now I can't stand you hating your brother who did no wrong."

"What are you hiding Nini?"
Lily asked.

I sighed ready to take out everything from my heart.
"I was a mafia... Just like your both brother, just like your father, just like my father. I was a mafia... Marshall killed my father and Emerson in rage of vengeance from my father. Because my father killed your both parents..."
His eyes was wide and so was Lily's.

"It was your father who started all of this by killing my mom....."
I explained him everything tried hard to make him not hate his brother because his hate towards him was increasing every second of his life. I told him everything including that I was the one who had almost killed his elder brother, Marshall.

As all past memories flashed in front of their eyes I waited for them to say anything.
"Still... He pushed you away at the time you needed him the most. It's like he left you once you got pregnant with his child."

On the Negative Side ~payalgupta3012Where stories live. Discover now