Part 36 : Last day

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Vivian's POV

Hayley shouted and ran towards me and hugged me really tight. I hugged her back. Breaking the hug.

"God you're looking so hot!"
She chirped as she looked me up and down.

I faked a smile.
"You too are looking, fabulous."
I complimented.

"I was getting bored in this crowd where I don't know anyone. I am happy you came."

"Hayley. There is something you should---"
I stated coming direct to point but her eyes snapped at the stairs when we heard foot steps.

He was looking at Hayley and she got lost in his beauty. The way she was staring at him, somewhere I knew too that she can never kill him.

I bit my lip, somewhere I was also at fault letting her flow into love, but I only suggested her ideas to gain his trust. Didn't know Hayley also started trusting him.

Sexual contact though helped in plan but she went more into love with him.

She started making her step towards him as I found both of them going to each other with slow and steady steps, eyes carrying love.

I'm with you Hayley. I won't let Adrian die.

They came close and maybe talked a little.

Hayley's POV

"How am I looking princess?"
He asked when we were enough close.

He was dressed in black glittering blazer on white shirt and plain ironed pants.

"Hot as always."
I said smiling like a maniac.
He smiled and held my hand in a firm grip.

He made way towards the stage and took the mic.

"Hello everyone... May I have your attention please."
Everyone looked at us and I was just staring at him.

"Today is the last day for the year but first day of my happy life ahead... I want to introduce the love of my life to all of you...

I trust you all, and had only invited those whom I trust... So she is my girlfriend... Ms. Hayley Scott... And soon to be Mrs. Hayley Harper.

And after this year ends, with a new year, I will start a new chapter of my life with my girlfriend... And there is a surprise for you Hayley."
He said and looked at me.

"And that surprise I will give after the clock strikes 12."
I smiled.

He pulled me towards him and in mic said.
"I love you."

He said and a loud shout was to be heard when everyone started wooing and clapping.

"I love you too."
I heard a loud cheer of a girl and it was April who just entered the hall, hands around Stefan's arms. She was wearing a yellow gown, and Stefan wore yellow suit on a white shirt.

"And till its 12, let's enjoy eating, drinking and everything..."
He said and waiter came offering two glass of wines to us.

I saw waiters on floor offering wines to other people too.

Adrian offered me one glass and he himself took one glass.

He said in mic and everyone raised their glass high, and took a sip of it. Adrian and I crossed our arms and took sip of the wine.

Adrian leaned on me and kissed me. I smiled and kissed him back, my one hand behind his neck, as everyone clapped for us.

Breaking the kiss I looked among the crowd down stage and my eyes widened when I found a familiar face, Charles Edison.

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