Part 60 : Love Mark

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Hayley's POV

I knocked on the door.

"Who is it?"
I heard Emma's voice.

"Your friend!"
She recognized my voice and the door got opened by April.

"You're also here."

She showed a bright smile. She wore a light blue gown and then my eyes trailed to Emma in her elegant white gown and her hair dyed blonde and left curly open. And she was eating baby corn chillies.

"Here you are devouring baby corns and there Samuel is getting nervous like he has just enter into a new unknown world."
I said as I entered in and April closed the door behind us.

"Not my fault. I was super hungry... Have some!"
She said and offered me her plate.

"I'll eat later."

"Did Vivian came?"

"Yeah she is on the way. What about Stella?"

"Maybe in the reception."

"Yeah by the way, Did I mentioned that the bride is looking too sexy?"

"No you didn't!"
She said dramatically.

"Then my apologies your highness... You're looking very beautiful... Samuel is going to fall in love with you all over again."
She blushed and ate a bite from her plate and April and I chuckled.

"Ma'am... It's the time."
We heard a voice from outside.

"OK leave this... Let's go now."
I said snatching the plate from her hand.

"Just a bite more."
She whined and took the last bite and stood up.

I took tissue wiping her mouth removing the oil of the food. While April took care of her gown from back.

"All set!"

We all left the room, we both beside her...

"Fuck... I forgot my phone in... Hayley... Can you please get it for me?"

"At least don't abuse in your marriage!"
I said and went towards the room again as they went towards stage.

I picked up her phone and got out of the room.

I walked in the empty corridor when I felt a hand holding my wrist and I was pulled in a small room.

In defence I held his wrist ready to break it but stopped when I saw who it was.

"Leave me!"
I said.

"Just listen to me once... You are not allowed to threaten anyone holding gun against my child... It is not only your baby, it's mine too. You won't kill it."
I pushed him as he stumbled back.

"Fool of you to even think that I would kill my own child, just to threaten your stupid ass brother. I would never ever kill my own flesh and blood... And I know Ian that you also know it that I would never kill my child...
Just accept it that you took it as an excuse to see me last time this closely."

"I-Its nothing like that. I really came here to warn you."

"Oh really!"
I said crossing my arms against my chest.
"Then care to explain why you care when you abandon both of us. You hated me. So you shouldn't care."

He just stared blankly. I took steps near him.

"Truth is that you can't abandon me because you love me. And you care for both of us. Just accept it."
I stood just ahead of him waiting that he would say something.

On the Negative Side ~payalgupta3012Where stories live. Discover now